In frames of the project “Synergy – strengthening of IDPs by participation and collaboration” informational meetings were held by the activist of the fund “Sukhumi”, graduator of the young leaders’ school – Asmat Dvalishvili.
She was nominated in local self-government elections 2014, in Kutaisi. In spite of the fact that she did not win, she gained seriou8s experience and will continue working in this direction for next elections.
Asmat Dvalishvili conducted in formational meetings on gender issues in Public schools No17 and No 40 of Kutaisi and School No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic, named after Jiuli Shartava. The meetings were attended by parents, teachers and pupils. Meeting in Senaki Military Settlement with the wives of officers was devoted to the Mother’s Day.
The journalists of Kutaisi reviewed with interest the work of Gender Advisory Council in city kindergartens (GAC).
At a traditional meeting with representatives of the media were invited members of the GAC, directors (among them was the only man) kindergartens, caregivers, Methodists ...
And a special guest - the founder of the Club grandfathers the only one in the city (and not only), who decided on its own initiative to help his grandson’s kindergarten.
For journalists this unusual meeting was the stimulus for great interest the work of the GAC and "suggested" theme for publications and stories ...
Today, on the initiative of Senaki Municipality Gamgeoba and the fund “Sukhumi”, the agreement was signed regarding joint trainings on the issues of gender and gender violence for the members of Senaki Municipality local government representatives and the youth group. Implementing of this idea became possible as a result of GAC work. By the opinions of the council members, this initiative will have positive influence on local self-government as well on the youth, who represent the future of the city.
On February 24 for the next meetings the members of Batumi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) continued to work on an action plan gender policy and agreed to the terms of the final version approval; defined groups and research questions of local gender needs. Has been established Advocacy group, which to solve a specific problem and mapped out a strategy of action. GAC members gave a positive assessment initiated a series of meetings "Dialogue of Generations", which is carried out under the auspices of the SCS and contributes to gender education of young people. It was said about the need to expand this work.
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State
In Batumi, in the center of the democratic involvement by the initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi" gathered the local journalists and representatives of NGOs "Center for Development and monitoring of the municipality."
The participants learned about the work of Gender Advisory Council Batumi - Get Information on carried out researches, of gender policies and recommendations developed by GAC to promote the formation of a gender balance.
Journalists noted that the topics on which work GAC are relevant, and they are systematically recorded in the local media.
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State
The lawyer of Ozurgeti Gender Advisory Council conducted informational meeting with the residents of st. Tsutsunava. Were identified problems which solution does not require particular financing: is a defective gutter, on the part of the street there is no street lighting. On this street there is a building "the blind Society", which has already collapsed. In summer of it ruins there are snakes, and it poses a risk to children. There was prepared a statement, which will be submitted to the city problem will be lobbed.
In Kutaisi IDP collective centers the lawyer of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted 6 informational meetings. 51 participants gained information regarding different issues.
Informational meetings of the lawyer were held in Kutaisi library No 8. There was a discussion of domestic violence and ways of prevention. Attention was paid to rights and duties of pupils and teachers.
During a month legal consultations on different issues were conducted, statements were made regarding citizens’ needs and problems and sent to relevant structures.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In February, the mobilization meetings were held based on the plan in Women Support Centers in Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, Khurcha (Zugdidi).
At the meetings, the participants discussed the domestic violence statistics of last year published on the website of the MIA of Georgia. They also received the information about the changes in the law against violence.
The meetings were held in the villages Koki, Ivandidi, Bataria as well.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
On February 23 held information and consultation meeting in one of the collective centers of Kutaisi ("Home of the Innocents").
Compared with other IDPs, the residents of the center have normal conditions of life: the facade renovated, new windows inserted, were given to all heaters. But the problem for them is the legalization of housing.
The participants of the meeting had questions about the procedure for the appointment of pension rights and privileges of war veterans, divorce and maintenance orders. They received important information.
Together with the citizens were written statements to different institutions on various issues.
On the 14-th meeting of Senaki GAC, directors of the kindergartens were invited, the memorandum collaboration was signed between GAC and unity of preschool premises.
The memorandum gave basis to active cooperation in frames of mini-project.
For the end of February the GAC plans to conduct 3 work-shops in the kindergarten No 1, on the issues of eco-sanitary, gender and violence.
Chairperson of the unity – Aleksandre Janjgava underlined that they will support and expressed a hope of fruitful collaboration.
The meeting reviewed results of the problems, raised before. It was mentioned that in the collective center “Egrisi”, water supply system was cleaned. There was an interesting discussion regarding different issues and project proposals.
The traditional meeting with representatives of the media was held in Ozurgeti Gender-media center Ozurgeti. The main emphasis was made on the work of the Gender Advisory Council and its initiatives. Deputy Chairman of GAC, deputy of the municipality Sakrebulo - Lali Sichinava presented the project: "Youth in support of gender policy", which was implemented in urban schools and ended by the youth forum. Very soon, with the support of City Council such work will be continued in rural schools. This means increasing of number of active young people with high gender consciousness.
Ozurgeti journalists, as always, are ready to tell the public about the work of the GAC, the progress of projects and show the results.
On our partner channel "Guria" that evening was a small story about the meeting.
On February 20, in public school No 2 of Batumi was held a meeting “Dialogue of Generation” – between Ramaz Surmanidze – member of writers’ union, founder of medical – ecological university and Adjarian Doctors’ Union and the pupils of upper grades. The meeting was attended by the head of school – Mirza Abashidze.
The meeting was emotional, with interesting discussions and once again underlined importance pf information exchange among the generations and necessity of cultural dialogues.
“You may not receive so much warmth and love even in the family” – mentioned one of the adults.
Mr. Suramidze presented the library of school with his books. The meeting participants thanked him for beautiful and interesting day!
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State
On February 16-18 in kindergartens №1, 11, 13, 23, 30 were held informational meetings within the project “Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting” (The project is carried out by the fund “Sukhumi” and gender advisory council of Kutaisi with the support of Chezh NGO NESEHNUTI).
Held 12 informational meetings in the 12 kindergartens - in all municipalities of Kutaisi with the heads, teachers, Methodist, parents of pupils. At the meetings, participants fixed the problems and needs of kindergartens, understood the need to implement gender components in the process of education.
In school of Koki (Zugdidi Municipality) an informational meeting was held attended by 15 pupils.
While speaking about development of gender society in Georgia, the participants made interesting parallels with traditions and equal society building.
Pupils here are active and creative, they have special attitude towards the elderly persons. They had an initiative: 30 volunteers will congratulate mothers day – March 3 to the ladies in Koki.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
“I want the kindergartens to be the basis of education” – mentioned the chairperson of Kutaisi GAC – Irma Petriashvili on the 13-th meeting of the council.
It was decided to prepare project in direction of training kindergarten teachers and submit for co-financing on the meeting of Sakrebulo.
It was decided to conduct research, of how are the kindergarten heads, teachers, psychologists regarding state standards in pre-school premises.
The problem of bulling in schools was also discussed and the ideas of its prevention were raised.
Budgeting of the project “Change of the policy of local government regarding gender budgeting” 7 informational meetings are held with teachers and parents of kindergartens No7, 9, 10, 18, 28, 33, 34 of Kutaisi.
As a result of informational meetings the teachers realized importance of introducing gender components in educational process and expressed a will to be actively involved in similar meetings and training-seminars together with the parents.
The project is carried out by the fund “Sukhumi” and gender advisory council of Kutaisi with the support of Chezh NGO NESEHNUTI (independent socio-ecological movement).
The fund “Sukhumi” together with GAC of Senaki, implements a project, which envisages the work with the teachers and parents of the kindergartens on the issues of eco-sanitary, gender and domestic violence.
On February 4-6 training of trainers for the members of gender advisory council was held in frames of the project.
During 3 days they worked on the issues: garbage, water, sanitary, gender violence, gender development of the children, psycho-social aspects of the violence towards the kids.
Training participants studied necessary skills for the trainers, which they will use during the trainings in Senaki kindergarten teachers and parents.
The project is financed by Senaki Self-government and fund “Sukhumi”.