In kindergarten No1 of Senaki, 143 children are divided in 4 groups. In frames of the project “civil education for gender equality and healthy environment in Senaki pre-school unity” three work-shops were held during three days on: “gender equality”, “domestic violence”, “eco sanitary”.
The work-shops were attended by parents, teachers, members of the GAc.
At the end of the third day, flowers were planted in the yard and the children will take care of them.
As it was shown in the inquires, the participants liked work-shops. They have a will to attend the meeting on similar issues more often.
- I am calm, balanced, I try to avoid conflicts, but I have to make compromise, so I am often depressed.
- I'm hot-tempered, so I often drawn into the conflict. This is my character and I find it hard to control emotions.
In workshops held in Tskhaltubo, Senaki and Khurcha were recorded, mainly such considerations.
- How to manage conflicts, to avoid becoming a sacrifice nor a rapist - discussion on workshops was developed in this direction. There were a lot of interesting opinions. Women believe that they know themselves bad, never thought about the negative qualities that are especially visible in conflict situations.
Participants received the necessary information how to manage conflicts that do, so they do not develop.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
How do conflicts start and develop, how its’ negative results are connected with violence, how can be the conflict solved…these issues were discussed by the youth in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo and Khoni.
Most interesting was the discussion in Khoni, public school No3. There were different opinions regarding, how should be the functions of man and women disseminated in the family, in order not to discriminate any of them and do not cause conflicts.
By the opinion of the youth, these discussions will promote to giving the youth correct direction and settlement of non-violent culture in the society.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Where does the conflicts start, how do they develop, how are its negative results connected with domestic violence – these issues were discussed on a work-shop in WSCs of Tskaltubo, Khoni, Poti, attended by 40 women.
Participants analyzed development, dynamics, results of the conflict by real, live examples.
By the opinion of women, domestic violence is directly connected with violence, as it promotes to creation of rapist and victim.
At the end of the work-shop the participants mentioned that conflict management gives guarantee of violence prevention. Participants underlined necessity of informing society regarding these issues.
According to situation, two women were given recommendations, to use free consultations of the fund “Sukhumi” psychologist.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In public school of koki (Zugdidi Municipality), the fund “Sukhumi” works for several years, so it has strong group of girls, which was transformed into youth club. On January 26, first informational meeting was held regarding the issue of domestic violence.
The meeting was attended by 17 pupils, the boys were also active.
From the members of youth club, a group of 8 persons was chosen and interesting activities were planned.
The youth think that the work should be activated in this direction, as there are number of problems: hard work of the women in family, farmyard, responsibility before the children. Attention to these issues was paid only after it.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
From January the new project “strengthening of women’s rights in western Georgia” continues work-shops with the youth on: ”family conflicts and mechanisms of their solution”.
On the background of interesting discussions, the meetings were held in Khoni, Kutaisi and Senaki.
The participants were given information, of how the conflicts start and go on, how it is connected with violence.
The youth discussed real examples of conflict duration, analyzed their negative results and discussed solution ways. To their opinion informing the society regarding these issues will promote to transformation of conflicts.
With this aim active group of participants was chosen, who will conduct informational meetings in schools on their initiatives and discussions on these issues will continue.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
“Such meetings can change many incorrect impressions and attitudes”.
“It will be great, if such meetings have systematic character and lots of people participate in it”.
Similar responds were made by the youth on the work-shops, which were conducted by the members of Ozurgeti GAC in frames of 16 day campaign. The issue of the work-shops was: “types of domestic violence, referral ways and mechanisms”.
The participants realized that violence is not a problem of only one family or concrete person, but it is a social problem. They changed attitude towards violence and expressed a will to be involved in preventive activities.
The work-shops regarding the issue of domestic violence still go on. In October the work-shops will be conducted in Kutaisi, Khoni and Zugdidi (Koki).
The work-shops begin with discussion of private conflicts. As it was shown by the inter-active, the youth do not know themselves by the psychological side. They have not thought how to rule their emotions in conflict situations. The discussion was continued by such issues as: connection of personal conflicts with domestic conflicts, character of a person and conflict development.
The youth thinks that the best way of avoiding conflicts is to learn ruling own emotions. It means that relations in family will get easier and we will avoid conflict situations.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
“The role of the youth in peacekeeping”, - members of the leader girls’ school conducted 24 work-shops in Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, Zugdidi and Gali. The knowledge gained while the second meeting helped them in facilitation of the work-shop. The event was attended by 360 young people at age of 19-29.
Elaboration of joint projects, which are important for both sides, usage of social network for internet connection, exchange of information, usage of relative contacts, invitation of Abkhazian youth, creation youth camps – these are concrete suggestions of the beneficiaries for restoring Georgian – Abkhazian relations.
The youth came to conclusion that each of them can change future, they expressed a will to be involved in peaceful activities and exchange programs.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
Conflict, types of conflict and solution ways – these were the topics of the work-shop, conducted by Asmat Dvalishvili – graduator of the leader girls’ school.
The IDP youth made own examples of conflict resolution, spoke about important role of the youth in solving the conflict between Georgia and Abkhazia and expressed a will to participate in joint meetings. The work-shops will be conducted by other participants of the young leaders’ school too.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
- In order to manage domestic conflicts, we must be well aware of its meaning. What is conflict, what causes it, who participates, how it happens – the youth came to these opinions after the discussion.
They consider that ruling the conflict is easier on the first step.
The girls discussed conflict using concrete, real examples and spoke about solution ways. They mentioned that informing about these issues will promote to transformation of the conflict.
The work-shops were held in Khoni, Senaki, Poti.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Ozurgeti GAC began to conduct work-shops in frames of its own project: “Youth for Gender Policy”. The circle of work-shops for the pupils of 5 schools in Ozurgeti regarding: gender and politics, gender and social media, youth and gender has already finished.
The work-shops were conducted by active involvement of the youth and on the background of discussions.
“For me this meeting was very interesting, I realized importance of youth involvement in gender issues, I received detail answers.” – mentions one of the participants of the work-shop.
There was created a special web-page in the social network, where the youth will conduct discussions regarding gender issue.
“For those who have not seen the war, it will be difficult to understand the meaning of peace”. “Very emotional, informative and exampling histories”, - thus was the collection “Peacekeeping and Women” evaluated by the participants of the workshop, local and IDP women and girls. Further group work showed participants attitude towards the issue, how and by whom do they see women’s peacekeeping resources and how must be it cheered?
In the second part of the work-shop there were revealed participants views regarding mistakes of women’s human rights protection: still hidden problem of domestic violence, protection of labor rights, economical, political, private security – women raised numerous interesting issues while discussions and saw many issues through gender side.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
Women’s peacekeeping, human safety gender components, local reality through protection women labor rights, protection from domestic violence – as the important issue of the gender security, state responsibility towards taken obligations, ecological problems through this direction in the city and importance of civil activities, difficulties regarding IDP integration and social adaptation, different generations of the women – with different views of life and agreement after severe discussions.
In the WSC of Poti is the fourth in frames of the project “Women and girls for the peace, security, social justice” and it once again made tangible the problems, which are faced by our women and improvement of which depend on their civil activities also, on the background of international experience there was revealed importance and meaning of women’s peaceful participation.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
Work-shops with young people were held in Kutaisi, Senaki and Tskaltubo. Topic of the discussion was - parents and children.
What factors lead to intergenerational conflict, why mothers and daughters cannot overcome the obstacles when the first spark of alienation appears - an interesting discussion round these issues was conducted.
Generation of children said that parents often do not understand their children, they forget that time changes approaches, they cannot understand that their views may be different, this is the basis of conflicts.
The same topic was discussed on the workshops with women In Kutaisi, Senaki and Tskaltubo. As the mothers say, their children always remain small for them according Georgian tradition; they always care of them, intervene in their life and do not give independence. And here begins the alienation.
Workshop participants were informed how to manage conflicts, how to restore communication and settle harmonious relationships between parents and children.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In the WSC of Khoni ordinary workshop was conducted. Besides IDP and local women, the men also expressed interest to this meeting and were actively involved in the discussions.
The meeting raised problem spheres of human security. “While the total unemployment, there are many people wishing to be on a place of women, who have a job, but they often have their problems: hard working day, lack of elemental norms of labor security, low salaries in comparison with the men”.
They listed barriers on the way of women seeking the job: head of the organization does not want to take a married woman on a job, officially and unofficially there exists an age cense.
The women shared their observations to each other.
The second part of the workshop touched peaceful potential, international experience. The participants in advance were given the brochures: “peacekeeping and women”. They share their emotions:
“I am under impressions of Argentinian brave mothers and grandmothers of Maia Square.”
“It is surprise, why the women’s peaceful activities are left without attention. Everything about them is aired: their private life, career, but not peaceful activities. We read very interesting histories in the booklets”
“I will try to share my experience to my entire friends”.
The activity was aired by the regional TVs – “Rioni” and “Mega TV”.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
“Don’t behave toward the other in a way; you don’t want to be behaved…”
Envisaging this phrase, the Fund “Sukhumi” conducted a work-shop for teachers and students of Kutaisi, public school No 11. The meeting was tensed. The teachers tried to prove that the problem of tolerance does not exist in our society, because we are hospitable nation and the conflict on religious and ethnic basis is rare.
The students tried to “ruin” their opinions, they had some examples and it appeared that the school does nothing to ensure tolerant atmosphere for them.
The trainers discussed facts of violence – this made obvious existing of the problem, but the teachers blame educational system, they say that in the process of teaching they are not able to speak about tolerance and underlined the activities of NGOs through this direction.
The students liked work-shop very much and asked us to conduct them permanently.