The research was prepared by the Fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project: “Gender Advisory Council –Strengthening of Women’s Rights for Social Changes in the Region”.
Conducting of the research was possible as a result of thoughtful support of Gender Equality Fund of UN Women Organization (coordination of the project is carried out by UN Women in Georgia)
The research was prepared by the Fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project: “Gender Advisory Council –Strengthening of Women’s Rights for Social Changes in the Region”.
Conducting of the research was possible as a result of thoughtful support of Gender Equality Fund of UN Women Organization (coordination of the project is carried out by UN Women in Georgia)
The research was prepared by the Fund “Sukhumi” in frames of the project: “Gender Advisory Council –Strengthening of Women’s Rights for Social Changes in the Region”.
Conducting of the research was possible as a result of thoughtful support of thoughtful support of American people with financial assistance of UN Women
24 first grade students of the leader-girls school were given the task – conducting social research to study condition of the IDP girls in the cities, where they live (mainly inquiry with 10 girls and in-depth interview with three women, who are considered as leaders).
By the dates of June 30, participants of leader-girls school conducted inquiry for 180 IDP girls from Abkhazia, and in-depth interviews with 54 leader women. Majority of IDP girls have partly information regarding women leadership, they need assistance for showing their possibilities.
Most of IDP girls have desire to solve conflicts in a peaceful way, majority of them do not consider themselves as a leader. They think that the others must take part in public activities and the others must solve problems, as they have no such skills.
Low self-evaluation of the girls is an influence of those stereotypes, by which leadership is not their business, problems must be solved by the men and they must be the leaders in all spheres. The girls do not think to show their leader skills, though most of them were glad to take part in the inquiry and is ready to be involved in the similar activities.
In-depth interviews with the girls showed that they have to overstep Georgian stereotypes regarding the fact that woman is a housewife and a man is a leader while fulfilling their possibilities.
By the opinion of the respondents, overcoming the barrier is possible by formatting awareness of the society, settling of correct visions regarding possibilities of women.
The respondents think that woman can do anything in case of will even better than man.
They think that status of leader woman is not easily acceptable by the society with the opinion that women are less clever. Sometimes the men are afraid of leader women as they think that will be hidden under their shadow.
Leader women think that a woman must recognize her equality with the men without psychological limitations. Otherwise equality will not be reached. Existing inequality will be badly returned to the society.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
For today many countries recognize that there are gender and women's problems, solution of which according the needs, require elaboration of concrete strategies and implementation of special measures.
In all spheres of life, conducting of complex and deliberate policy for solution of gender inequality problem was emphasized at the Women's World conference in Beijing. One of the main requirements of this meeting was elaboration of strategies and programs. According the paragraph 289 of Beijing Action Platform, “NGOs have important role in creation of social, economical political and intellectual climate based on gender equality. Women organizations must be actively involved in implementation and monitoring of the policy, directed to reaching gender equality”. >>>
Sociological study conducted by members of the Senaki GAC(April 1-25) is completed.
The purpose of the study was to assess the local gender needs of women. During the study three in-depth interviews were conducted with experts regarding education, economics and business, with a representative of local government, as well as three focus groups with teachers, medical workers, etc., youth, students, members of young girls school leaders Fund "Sukhumi", representatives of the media and NGOs.
In a questionnaire survey 100 women were involved (IDPs, socially unprotected, engaged in small business and women - members of the Club of Women Voters of Fund "Sukhumi").
After analyzing the results of the research members of GAC will elaborate recommendations and present them to the local City Council for taking into account the needs identified by the research.
A research to examine and assess local needs was completed on April 25. In frames of the research, members of Ozurgeti GAC conducted three in-depth interviews (with a representative of local government, with experts in the field of gender and education) and 3 focus groups (with the socially unprotected women, representatives of the media and NGOs, as well as intelligentsia) .
We interviewed 100 women (members of ethnic minorities, youth, IDPs, members of the Club of Women Voters of the Fund «Sukhumi «socially unprotected women).
The problems were identified the proposals and initiatives were identified. The research is beginning of the GAC future active work.
Fund "Sukhumi” started the year 2014 with the new creative initiatives. After the
debates in December, young leaders decided to carry out the online survey: ”My
wish for 2014 year”. The idea implied the survey of 13-30 years old young
beneficiaries, what would assist youth network in future events.
The survey was held in 5 cities of the West Georgia:
Kutaisi, Tskaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti, village Khurcha (and Zugdidi).1718 young people expressed their
The survey results
Kutaisi- 470 respondents were interviewed. Most of them wanted to improve their
financial condition.
"Lots of money”-this is the desire which takes the
first place, next come health and getting education abroad.
In Tskaltubo
most of 202 IDP respondents wanted their own accommodations. The second
important desire is to pass their entrance exams successfully, and the last one
is living in renovated town Tskaltubo.
The young people living in Poti (277 respondents were interviewed) want more places of
entertainment,jobs and health.
315 young people living in Senaki expressed such desires: to buy expensive equipment (iphone,
ipad, Apple notebook and Digital Cameras), to pass their exams and Peace in the
Khoni - The main desires of 200 respondents were: to be
healthy, to pass their exams successfully and to get the job.
Young people (254 respondents) who live in Khurcha ( and Zugdidi) mentioned only
one desire: "Peace, peace and only
peace”. It is very important to know the value of peace. People who live there
need neither expensive equipment nor places of entertainment. They just need
human security and peaceful environments to live in.
According to the survey and the young people’s
interests the youth network will provide more activities.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,
-Strategy "Inclusion through cooperation” is a step forward made by the State that will contribute to the start of cooperation with Abkhaz side, - was mentioned at the focus-group meeting held in Zugdidi. The group consisted of a psychologist, teachers, professors, representatives of non-governmental sector.
Participants emphasized that women should be mobilized in all spheres, in all directions since women’s inclusion in peacemaking movement will give positive results.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
We should welcome the fact that after so many years there has appeared a State document. On basis of this document it is possible to start relationship with Abkhaz side – mentioned participants of the research in Tskhaltubo, in which participated active women IDPs.
The group, basically, focused on eight questions. The purpose of most questions was to fix women’s vision, specific proposals regarding State peacemaking strategy and peacemaking processes.
Answers to the questions clearly indicated the need for coordinated work of governmental and non-governmental sectors, strengthening of peace propaganda, so that public does not weaken the peacemaking spirit.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
A qualitative research was made in Women’s Support Centre. It included eight questions. The meeting was attended by women-representatives of different structures.
Participants of the focus-group mentioned that the Strategy "Involvement through cooperation” is a step forward, though the Strategy does not include woman’s vision. In their opinion it would be good if women’s resource as a peacemaker is used in all spheres in the Action plan.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
Within the framework of the research another focus-group was gathered in Batumi. Participants: representatives of Media, creative intelligentsia, women IDPs fixed their positions on which resources were used for the peaceful resolution of conflict, what may be the basis of strengthened cooperation, whether they think that with the new Strategy "Inclusion through cooperation” there will start a new stage of Georgian-Abkhaz relations.
According to the common opinion the only non-perspective way of conflict resolution is war. As to resources, the most effective resource is right State politics and then maximum utilization of People’s Diplomacy.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
Poti. Women’s Support Centre. Nine women who acquainted with the Strategy on occupied territories "Inclusion through cooperation” and facilitator – with eight questions, prepared for the focus-group.
They have never been participants of such sociological survey but understood from the very beginning how important is opinion of every participant. Therefore they were especially sincere and active.
Employees of the sphere of healthcare and education, journalist, historian, economist, lawyer – directions of activities of those women are various, and so questions were discussed in different perspective: women’s role in conflict resolution, conciliation resources, priorities of cooperation, needs of women and spheres of their active participation in the Strategy implementation.
Participants of the focus-group think that taking into consideration their opinions will make the Strategy more real.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
A meeting in the format of "focus group” was held on the 15th of March with the representatives of the local self-government of Khobi. There were defined positions of participants regarding gender politics in the country.
Despite the fact that most of participants welcome increase of women in legislative organs, many of them (including majority of men and some women) consider "mechanical” measures for women’s support expedient. According to their positions, if woman has skills, needed for achieving success in politics – unlimited time, high professionalism, purposefulness, courageous character she would be successful, of course, and she would not need "temporary measures”. As to the issue that there should necessarily be presented woman in politics and she has her place there – local self-government of Khobi gives possibility to show this.
The project is implemented with the support of International Alert, Great Britain
Meeting held with the Chairperson of the city organization of Christian-democratic Movement George Shavgulidze, within the framework of the research of Fund "Sukhumi” showed quite interesting picture about the situation in parties and society regarding political status of women.
"I was a witness of the situation in the Parliament reception where people try to make an appointment with parliamentarians, make phone calls on vital issues. Imagine that people call oftener to women-parliamentarians, placing their hope on them”.
"Human’s psyche gets tired most of all with monotony. Monotony in politics from the point of view of gender is also boring”.
"Increase of women’s representation in politics is much dependent on men. First of all men should perceive that it’s necessary and important for the country”.
Christian-democrats prove this: candidature of Inga Grigolia is submitted by them on post of the chairperson of local self-government of Tbilisi.
The project is implemented with the support of International Alert, Great Britain
Why there are less women-politicians than men-politicians; why voters support more men-candidates; what the situation on gender equality is in political parties; how policy can be changed if there are involved more women; which mechanisms should be used to contribute to increase of women’s representation…
Within the framework of the research included in the project on gender equality, meetings with representatives of political parties, non-governmental sector, governmental structure have been continued.
On the 9th of March deep interview was taken from the representative of Republican party of Kutaisi organization, Nato Katamadze.
She welcomes increase of women’s representation in politics. In her opinion – "women as candidates rare lie. They are more responsible before voters and are more sincere”.
"Unfortunately society is always more critical to women”.
"Of course I don’t support artificial measures, but I think it’s necessary to change gender disbalance. And the way out of this situation is purposeful gender education in the sphere of socio-cultural relations”.
The project is implemented with the support of International Alert, Great Britain.