Since a new work year meetings on reproductive health, planned to be carried out in the Women’s Support Centres of Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo and Khoni have been continued. In total there were carried out 6 meetings for women as well as for young women. Women come to the meetings with great pleasure to obtain useful information, answers to the questions they are concerned about.
At the meeting in Kutaisi they talked about the importance of often visits of women and young women to gynecologist. They were also interested to listen about HIV/AIDs and other sexually transmitted diseases.
The meeting in Tskhaltubo was consultative. Before the meeting many girls and women had time to visit gynecologist and so they wanted to discuss the results of their examinations.
Parents to be who attended the meeting asked many questions about meals for pregnant women, which vitamins and medicines they can take.
The meeting held in the WSC of Khoni was attended by the women at a mature age. They were interested in the issues related with menopause.