A regular broadcast from the cycle "Woman and non-violent society” was broadcasted on the air of the radio "Dzveli kalaki”.
The topic of the telecast "Gender and domestic violence”, basically expressed the situation revealed as a result of Fund’s activity in society.
In the opinion of organizers, workshops for young journalists carried out by Fund "Sukhumi” were "very important since the aforementioned topics are not so popular for Media. The contest was a a great stimulus for them”.
At the Round table held in Senaki were defined the topics specific for the region. Respondents mentioned the issues which define low legal level of women in family. "Women don’t possess property. For example even if there is such a possibility in the family, parents don’t take care of it”.
The broadcast covers in details a Round table meeting held in the office of Fund "Sukhumi” where participants expressed their interest to the mechanisms of the Law against domestic violence. In the interview they touched upon weaknesses and strengths, disadvantages preventing to effective implementation of the Law.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst. |