The story in TV Company “Rioni” about IDP collective centers in Kutaisi tells us about three of them.
It is dangerous situation in collective center of LTD. There are no windows, the ceiling and fool is damaged, there is only one toilet for 60 persons.
The IDPs have questions regarding criteria of resettlement and the scores, they request alternative living spaces.
The second collective center, is located in Choma. The main problem is roofing. Residents demand to solve the problem under co-financing.
The problem of water supply is raised in the third collective centre “Abkhazia”. The ceiling is damaged and the walls get wet after the rain.
The story was prepared in frames of coalition project of the fund “Sukhumi” - “Involvement of the IDPs residing in Kutaisi in Municipal 2015 budget discussion and advocacy process with the aim of envisaging their specific demands”.