Peace building and inclusion of youth in peace building activities, Caucasian format and its importance for keeping peace and stability in the region. International youth training-seminar held by Fund "Sukhumi” in Kutaisi and future perspectives of cooperation…
Representatives of Fund "Sukhumi”, training participants, forum-theatre actors gathered in the studio of the TV company "Rioni”. The TV plot made by Fund "Sukhumi” tells about the training, joint work of Georgian, Armenian, and Azerbaijani youth.
After the plot participants of the telecast told about their impressions, new friends, and future plans…
"We are very happy to have possibility to participate in the training and also to play the role of a connecting point between us and Armenian and Azerbaijani friends”.
"We have found out that as young persons of post conflict generation we have much in common. We have common issue which we are responsible to solve”, - was told at the training.
Fund "Sukhumi” pays great attention to participation of young persons in peacemaking activity and considers that Caucasian format in this direction is very important. Therefore youth peacemaking initiatives will be supported in the future too, - told participants of the telecast.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.