A telecast of Fund "Sukhumi” about inclusion of civil society in peaceful resolution of Georgian-Abkhaz conflict was transmitted on live of the TV company "Rioni”.
It covered outcomes of the project implemented with support of International Alert. The objective of the project was to acquaint society with results of the research of Georgian and Abkhaz experts – "Dialogue on security Guarantees in the context of Georgian-Abkhaz conflict”, to initiate public discussions about peaceful ways of conflict resolution.
Experts – participants of the project told about issues discussed at the meetings carried out in the cities of Western Georgia: what is society’s vision, which threats they see, the work in which direction they consider necessary, how far realistic is in their opinion, strategy on occupied territories and what the future of Georgian-Abkhaz and Georgian-Ossetian cooperation is.
They also discussed basic principles of the strategy, mechanisms and perspectives of its implementation. In their opinion "despite the fact that political cooperation is limited, by adopting the Strategy Georgia proved that it is a reliable partner, ready to solve conflict in peaceful way. There is adopted the Action plan which will necessarily interest Abkhazians and Ossetians. To implement it we need time and hard work”.
The project is implemented with the support of International Alert, Great Britain. |