Despite hot days in August number of women-participants of the meetings on reproductive health was not decreased.
All issues discussed at the meetings were topical. Gynecologist listens to every woman attentively and gives detailed answers.
Meetings were held in Women’s Support Centres in Poti (04.08.10), Senaki (09.08.10), Tskhaltubo (25.08.10), Khoni (26.08.10), Kutaisi (31.08.10) and village Khurcha of Zugdidi District (23.08.10).
"Your meetings are very important for us. Women’s Support Centre is the only place where we obtain much useful information, have opportunity to talk to psychologist about our problems related with health”, - mention participants of the meetings.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.