At the meeting of the Club of Women-Voters, held in Batumi, a representative of the Christian-Democratic Movement Nazibrola Kobuladze provided information on local budgets and social programs. Nazibrola is also a member of the Commissions on Health and Social Affairs, Education, Culture, Sports and Tourism in the local government of Batumi.
An initiative, proposed by her – provision of free delivery services for women-residents of Batumi – is still under discussion, as it requires aligning with the budget.
An advocacy group, formed in Batumi club, acquainted the member of the local government with the problems discussed at the Club, including transport benefits for students and undergraduates, necessity of revision of the database on socially unprotected families, and inclusion of social issues in the city budget.
"On basis of mutual co-operation solution of crucial problems has become possible" - said Ms. Nazibrola.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA. |