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In August, in collective settlements of IDPs were held 8 group meetings of psychologist with participation of 67 women aged 28 to 65.

Meetings were held in the Women Support Centers of Senaki, Khurcha, Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskhaltubo, Poti. One of the topics of conversation was envy.


Envy is one of the six internal enemies of human being (lust, anger, illusion, greed, envy, madness). There are some forms of envy: black, white, depressive, personal, social.

Person is always "obliged" to parents for the first manifestation of envy, since they, wishing the good and explaining their child how to be more accurate and capable, always hold others up as an example.

From Latin envy (livor) is translated as "blue". People say "turned blue with envy". In China, envious person is determined by eyes, and envy is called "red-eye disease".

Envy can turn someone else's success into the sense of inferiority, and other’s joy - into discontent. Envy is a negative emotion and harms human health: increases blood pressure, quickens pulse, and disrupts the digestive system. Before you envy anyone, we should ask yourself: "Do I want to do harm to my health?"

At the meetings, women, together with the psychologist, tried to learn how to overcome envy...


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst  (Germany)

Category: Consultations | Views: 534 | Added by: admin | Date: 31.08.2013

Meetings differ from each other. Some of them are especially lively, and some are complicated, but, ultimately, meetings affect every participant.


In August, by tradition, there were continued meetings with young women in the Women Support Centers of Kutaisi, Senaki, Khoni, Tshaltubo, Poti and Khurcha. Domestic violence was selected as the main theme of the meetings.


Young people freely discuss this urgent problem. They give examples from life. They are more or less aware of the Law against domestic violence and know about the mechanisms for the protection of victims.

"Woman should not discuss her family problems in public. She should tolerate as much as she can that children grew up in a full-fledged family with a mother and a father," - some girls think so, and most of them loudly declare that women have the same rights as men, and that the time when women were just housewives has already passed.

These girls’ protest changes the thoughts of the participants who have different attitude to family relationships.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst  (Germany)

Category: Meetings | Views: 425 | Added by: admin | Date: 31.08.2013

The work on prevention of violence is the main theme of the journal "Women’s Voice”.  It reflects trainings conducted with that purpose, cooperation with representatives of local government, meetings of women with psychologist and lawyer, forum-theatre performances.

"Psychological” part of the journal - recipes of family harmony, tips on how to forget insult, the principles of a real woman – was particularly interesting.

Different categories of readers will undoubtedly find interesting and useful articles in the journal.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst  (Germany)

Category: Informational bulletin | Views: 544 | Added by: admin | Date: 30.08.2013

In August, forum theater of Fund "Sukhumi" held four performances in the weather.

For some spectators in the central park of Kutaisi forum-theater was familiar but some first saw this genre and were even surprised with the courage of actors.

At that time there were lots of young people in Khoni Central Park, they involved in the performances and active discussions.

Particularly interesting were the performances held in sea resorts - Ureki and Batumi. After the performances young people were asking about the "biography" of the forum-theater and the theme of violence. Actors told them much...

One of the spectators, Tiko from Tbilisi, said: "These are unusual mini-plays, natural, free and, most importantly, exciting, because in one moment (during a scene between a grandmother and a grandchild), I imaged myself. Thank you for such interesting performances".

In August, forum-theater actors filled in their facebook page with numerous photos and informational materials.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst  (Germany)

Category: Forum-theatre | Views: 805 | Added by: admin | Date: 30.08.2013

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