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Main » 2011 » April » 12 » Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti
Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti

In April meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti was held in the local government of Ozurgeti. A chairwoman of the Social Affairs Committee Irina Sajaia and a member of the local self government Nana Tavdumadze have been cooperating with Fund "Sukhumi" for several years. At the same time they are members of the Club.
 Irina Sajaia presented social programs that exist in the local government of Ozurgeti: according to her the budget includes funds to support mothers of large families, socially vulnerable families, and also funds for free canteens.
 Club members believe that this meeting was of particular importance, as they must know about the programs that exist to support women at the local level.
 During the second part of the meeting members of the Club - Ketevan Kadeishvili, Nino Nikoleishvili and Marina Kiparoidze told interesting stories about famous women in Ozurgeti.
 It turned out that Ketevan Kadeishvili is the granddaughter of the first famous actress Atata Kadeishvili. She talked about the special leadership qualities of her great-grandmother.
 Nino Nikoleishvili decided to tell about the actress Izo Mamulashvili and focused on her leadership skills and comic talent.
 Marina Kiparoidze called her heroine a Georgian woman of 21st century and introduced members of the Club a journalist Nino Nikoleishvili.
 - There has never been a lack of well-known, active women in Ozurgeti. Deficiency in those women is not observed in the modern era too. Their names should be further popularized, - mentioned participants of the meeting.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 578 | Added by: moderatori | Tags: Ned | Rating: 0.0/0
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