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Readiness to forthcoming local self-government elections already reports itself on Kutaisi club of women-voters.

Director of Kutaisi branch of Young Lawyers Association and a member of the Club, Nino Tvaltvadze, conducted a workshop for the participants on the topic "Election law and changes regarding it”.

During discussions there were many questions concerning the Law: how many members would be included in local self-government, whether election lists can be entrusted to, how they work in parties on revealing of women-candidates.

Members of the Club mentioned that awareness of Election Law would give them opportunity to work with voters to increase the level of their consciousness and that they contribute to increase of women’s representation in local self-government.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 582 | Added by: admin | Date: 09.03.2010

Except Clubs of Women-Voters, functioning in seven cities of Western Georgia, another club was established in Tskhaltubo on the first of March.

Participants of the meeting were provided with the information about activity of Fund "Sukhumi”, main objectives and tasks of the project, future plans of Club’s activity.

During the acqauintance there were revealed positions of participants. Attendies emphasized the necessity of women’s mobilization and their involvement in politics.

-  I welcome establishment of the Club in Tskhaltubo. There is great women’s resource. I think that we can define problems of the population in Tskhaltubo and take active participation in solution of these problems, - was mentioned at the meeting.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 699 | Added by: admin | Date: 01.03.2010

Members of Ozurgeti Club of Women-Voters fixed their pre-election mood. It was mentioned there that women-candidates for the local self-government elections in Ozurgeti had not been defined yet.

Director of a secondary school of Ozurgeti Nana Gagua who is one of the active members of the Club shared impressions about her stay in Great Britain. She stayed in Manchester for a month. The project financed by European Union was directed at promotion of inclusive education and inclusion of individuals in community.

Members of the club expressed their opinions and hope that Nana would use the obtained experience in the development of her school.

The meeting was also attended by the journalist of the local newspaper "Guria news”. Information about the meeting will be published in the new number of the newspaper.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 547 | Added by: admin | Date: 26.02.2010

-   The system of quoting has justified itself in many civilized countries. It would be good to adopt this system in our country, - most of the members of Zugdidi Club of Women-Voters support quoting system. They are ready to support women-candidates in the local self-government elections.

A member of the Club, Elza Kvaratskhelia who is a member of the National party at the same time, informed that by the end of March her party would publish lists including many women.

At the meeting participants discussed an important problem of their city – Zugdidi botanic garden famous for its unique plants is almost on the verge of extermination. Members of the Club initiated different measures for the solution of this problem.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 579 | Added by: admin | Date: 24.02.2010

At the meeting of Club of Women-Voters, held in Khoni, at desire of members of the Club were invited representative of Regional department of the Ministry of Georgia on IDPs and accommodation in Imereti, Racha-Lechkhumi and Zemo Svaneti – deputy chairperson, Jano Zosiashvili and chief specialist, Nukri Letodiani. Guests heard about those basic problems of IDPs living in Khoni. The conversation touched upon prolonged and low-quality repair works carried out in their collective centre and incorrect redistribution of living space among IDPs.

Participants of the meeting mentioned that IDPs need more support from local department on IDPs as well as from the Ministry on IDPs and Accommodation, since implementation of the State programme on accommodation does not mean full solution of the problem.

Participants said that the meeting was fruitful since they received answers to many important issues.

Representatives of the department promised to gain timely solution of the discussed problems.

Based on the interests of IDPs Club of Women-Voters will try to arrange such meetings in the future too.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 559 | Added by: admin | Date: 23.02.2010

At the meeting of Club of Women-Voters held in Poti participants talked about forthcoming self-governmental elections.

Participants think that this time there would be more women-candidates in election lists and they will take appropriate positions in the local self-government.

Women-candidates have already been defined among the members of the Club in Poti. Participants actively support candidature of a member of the local self-government – Darejan Tskhvitaria. They hope that if she win elections, more attention would be paid to social problems of the city, women’s rights, and the sphere of health protection.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA..

Category: Clubs | Views: 547 | Added by: admin | Date: 19.02.2010

Meeting of the Club was held in Women’s Support Centre of Khobi with participation of permanent members of the Club.

The topic of the meeting was: "Administrative districts of Abkhazia”.

During the work of the Club there were used different methods, interactive work, brain-storming, discussion.

Girls had many questions concerning geography of Abkhazia. How many cities, villages, rivers and lakes are in Abkhazia? They had possibility to look at photos illustrating sightseeing in Abkhazia.

"I don’t know well geography of Abkhazia and I was very ashamed when I found out that did not know names of all cities”, - Natia Chikhradze.

Members of the Club hope that at the meetings they will learn much information about our native land.


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.

Category: Clubs | Views: 628 | Added by: admin | Date: 19.02.2010

The main topic of the discussion was forthcoming local self-government elections. Women acquainted with the information about the level of women’s activeness in public and political sphere in different countries of the world – Russia, Ukraine, America, Bulgaria.

Members of the club expressed their opinions about local self-governmental elections in Kosovo and presidential elections in Ukraine.

They admitted that supported woman-candidate at the elections in Ukraine and expressed wish for seeing as much women-candidates in local self-governmental elections as possible. In their opinion women would better protect interests of their people.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.

Category: Clubs | Views: 559 | Added by: admin | Date: 12.02.2010

Club of Women-Voters of Khobi organized outgoing meeting in the secondary school of the village Baia.

Except members of the Club the meeting was attended by director of the school, teachers and senior pupils.

Active discussion was held on the topic – "Woman and politics, forthcoming local self-government elections”.

There were defined factors, preventing women’s political activeness.

Pupils actively involved in the discussion. In the opinion of girls woman needs environment promoting to increasing of their activeness in society. Boys had radically other positions. They see woman only in family, at the kitchen, though after lively discussion there were formulated common views.

Category: Clubs | Views: 628 | Added by: admin | Date: 10.02.2010

Geography of Abkhazia, cities, towns, villages, tourism – which was one of the leading spheres in Abkhazia – these and other issues were discussed at the meeting of club of young women "Abkhazia – want to know everything” held in the school # 5 of Autonomous Republic of Abkhazia.

Interactive exercise showed that most of participants did not know anything about cities and villages and historical monuments of Abkhazia. That’s why girls listened to the information about native land with great interest.

-   I was born in Kutaisi, that’s why I don’t know much about Abkhazia. The work of the club is of crucial importance since we learn much about Abkhazia. I want to know as much as possible about my native country, - Lika Leparteliani.

At the end of the meeting girls were given homework – "What I know about Abkhazia”.

The club is getting ready for the next meeting.

The project is financed by the Swedish women’s organization Kvinna till Kvinna.

Category: Clubs | Views: 550 | Added by: admin | Date: 09.02.2010

Prolonged and endless repair work in the collective centre of Khoni town, insanitary conditions on the territory, threat of extension of infectious diseases among children – these and other issues were discussed at the meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Khoni. Members of the Club are women IDPs, lawyers and representatives of other professions.

They say that they will submit their candidatures in the local self-government elections to have their own lobbyist for the solution of their problems in the local self-government.

Category: Clubs | Views: 606 | Added by: admin | Date: 28.01.2010

Members of the Club of young women "Abkhazia – want to know everything” gathered in Fund "Sukhumi”. They were acquainted with the geography of Abkhazia, cities and districts.

At the meeting there were invited women IDPs from Gali, Guliripshi, Ochamchira, Gagra, Tkvarcheli, who told the participants about the history of their cities.

The meeting was especially interesting because it was attended by the guest from Sukhumi, who expressed regret because of the broken relations between Georgians and Abkhazians as a result of the conflict. She hopes that with the efforts of common people these relations will be restored.

The meeting was also attended by the coordinator of the Swedish women’s organization Kvinna till Kvinna in Georgia, Mrs. Annika Karlsson.

Category: Clubs | Views: 642 | Added by: admin | Date: 28.01.2010

A regular meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was held in St. George’s Gymnasium in Zugdidi.

Director of the Gymnasium and leader of the club, Manana Nachkebia organized Christmas performance for the participants.

Pupils performed Christmas ritual on the stage. The attendees were given possibility to watch the film about the visit of the Patriarch in the Gymnasium, got acquainted with the Christmas epistle.

During the second part of the meeting participants discussed the work plan of the Club. For the next meeting of the Club they planned to invite women-representatives of political parties.  

Category: Clubs | Views: 645 | Added by: admin | Date: 27.01.2010

The meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was held in Khobi.

A member of the local self government and an active leader of the Club Manana Shulaia made presentation of the manual "Phenomena of women’s leadership” published by Fund "Sukhumi”. It was mentioned that the manual is very impressive and women can obtain much information about skills of women’s leadership.

Representatives of Fund "Sukhumi” acquainted participants with the strategy of the Club’s activity and cooperation with political parties.

In parallel they discussed the work plan of Khobi Club of Women-Voters.

-  We are planning to carry out many interesting measures during a year: meetings with successful women, politicians, representatives of different structures.

There were also initiated to organize meetings of the Club in Khobi district to learn more about the problems of local population.

Category: Clubs | Views: 630 | Added by: admin | Date: 26.01.2010

A regular meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was held in the office of Fund "Sukhumi”.

A regional representative of the "Fair elections”, Teona Gogishvili who is a member of the Club of Women-Voters at the same time, was in Kosovo for two months as s long-term observer. Members of Kutaisi Club listened to her information about elections in Kosovo with great interest.

There were asked many questions: How far democratic were the elections for the local self-government? What infringements have been revealed? Which innovations can be used in our country?

Teona Gogishvili emphasized that gender problems exist in Kosovo too since women’s representation in election lists was low.

Participants of the Club of Women-Voters think that society should be informed of pre-election programmes of political parties in proper time. In parallel there should be carried out certain work with women’s electorate to support women-candidates.

Category: Clubs | Views: 620 | Added by: admin | Date: 22.01.2010

Meeting of the Club of young women "Abkhazia – want to know everything” was held in the Women’s Support Centre in Khoni.

This was the first meeting after Christmas holidays. Participants evaluated the work carried out in 2009. Girls talked about importance of the Club’s activity. They think that they have collected much interesting information what does not give them possibility to forget about Abkhazia.

At the end of the meeting participants discussed future work plans for the Club and elaborated proposals: what kind of changes will be made, in which direction the work should be developed.

Category: Clubs | Views: 684 | Added by: admin | Date: 21.01.2010

A regular meeting of the Club of Women-Voters was held in the building of the local self-government of Poti.

Women think that involvement of more women in politics will make positive changes since improvement of social conditions will be priority for them. That’s why the Club of Women-Voters should activate its work to support women-candidates during the local self-government elections, strengthen the work on attracting of electorate for elections.

At the meeting of the Club there was revealed a future candidate - a member of the local self government of Poti city, Darejan Tskhvitaria, who is at the same time a member of the Club of Women-Peacemakers. She mentions that she is ready to struggle actively to win in the local self-government elections.

During the meeting they also told about future strategies of the Club’s activity, and in particular, how the work should be strengthened to make it more effective and designed for the results.

Category: Clubs | Views: 618 | Added by: admin | Date: 20.01.2010

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