On International Day of Women Solidarity in kindergarten No 2 of Senaki there was held an exhibition “Women for Peace, Beauty and Harmony”, with works of ladies and kindergarten staff. The event was decorated with music. The exhibition was attended by representatives of local self-government, members of Gender Advisory Councils.
The exhibition was held on initiative of the kindergarten. This is a result of the work in frames of joint project of fund “Sukhumi” and Senaki municipality “Civil Education for Gender Equality and Healthy Environment in Senaki Pre-school Unity”
On March 6, in Poti school No 1, volunteers of the youth club conducted action, spead informational sheets and told the pupils about the week of Women Solidarity.
On March 8 in streets of Khoni, volunteers of the youth club disseminated informational sheets and cards, with contact information of the WSCs (In Khoni among them) of fund “Sukhumi”. The action raised interest in women.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In frames of gender week, the fund “Sukhumi” joined and action on March 8, in Kutaisi.
The action was held in 24 cities with the slogan: “More Women in Parliament!”, “More Women in Politics!”, “Vote for the Women!”. The action was organized by Women Movement of Georgia.
Participating in the action, members of the fund fixed their position – to support women’s political activities in Georgia.
Round table, devoted to the Women’s Solidarity Day was held in Sakrebulo conference hall of Tskaltubo. It was attended by representatives of Gamgeoba, Sakrebulo, media and NGO sectors, activist women.
Participants of the meeting received information about Women’s Solidarity Day and also about successful women, they learned results and future plans of Tskaltubo WSC.
During round table, problems of victim women’s social rehabilitation and informing of the women residing in the village was revealed.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Fund “Sukhumi” Women Support Center of Khoni organized round table devoted to women solidarity day, in conference-hall of Sakrebulo, which was participated by Sakrebulo members and staff of apparatus.
Following issues were discussed: history of women’s solidarity day, work of the WSC. Discussion was held on gender, violation against women, role and function of women in family and society.
Participants positively evaluated informational side of the meeting and mentioned that such meetings have great importance.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Forum-theatre of the fund “Sukhumi” conducted 6 performances in public school No 1 of Tskaltubo. The meeting was attended by 68 pupils, teachers and the head of school.
After seeing the scenes each of them was involved in the game. It was followed by active discussions. Everything was interesting and impressive.
The pupils took photos with young actors, the head of school expressed a will to open different theatric studios.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
In frames of the project “Synergy – strengthening of IDPs by participation and collaboration” informational meetings were held by the activist of the fund “Sukhumi”, graduator of the young leaders’ school – Asmat Dvalishvili.
She was nominated in local self-government elections 2014, in Kutaisi. In spite of the fact that she did not win, she gained seriou8s experience and will continue working in this direction for next elections.
Asmat Dvalishvili conducted in formational meetings on gender issues in Public schools No17 and No 40 of Kutaisi and School No 6 of Abkhazian Autonomous Republic, named after Jiuli Shartava. The meetings were attended by parents, teachers and pupils. Meeting in Senaki Military Settlement with the wives of officers was devoted to the Mother’s Day.
In building of Senaki municipality, a training on: “Gender and Gender Violence” was held for two days.
On the background of discussions and diversity of opinions, the staff of Sakrebulo and Gamgeoba reviewd the issue of gender equality. Participants expressed their opinions, discussed main reasons, which promotes to violence against women, they spoke about ways out.
The second day the conference hall was let to the youth, discussion was continued on the same issues.,
By common view of the participants, there is a lack of information and discussion on these issues should be continued.
Training was held in frames of Senaki municipality Gamgeoba and fund “Sukhumi” joint project.
In kindergarten No1 of Senaki, 143 children are divided in 4 groups. In frames of the project “civil education for gender equality and healthy environment in Senaki pre-school unity” three work-shops were held during three days on: “gender equality”, “domestic violence”, “eco sanitary”.
The work-shops were attended by parents, teachers, members of the GAc.
At the end of the third day, flowers were planted in the yard and the children will take care of them.
As it was shown in the inquires, the participants liked work-shops. They have a will to attend the meeting on similar issues more often.
The journalists of Kutaisi reviewed with interest the work of Gender Advisory Council in city kindergartens (GAC).
At a traditional meeting with representatives of the media were invited members of the GAC, directors (among them was the only man) kindergartens, caregivers, Methodists ...
And a special guest - the founder of the Club grandfathers the only one in the city (and not only), who decided on its own initiative to help his grandson’s kindergarten.
For journalists this unusual meeting was the stimulus for great interest the work of the GAC and "suggested" theme for publications and stories ...
6 information-consultation meetings of a psychologist were held in IDPs settlements with the participation of 51 women aged 20 to 65. 7 women participated at the meeting for the first time.
The women participants liked the discussions on the topic “Perception of self and others”. The interesting exercises and active discussions were also included in the meetings.
2 individual consultations were devoted to the problems of relationships with children and conflict management.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot
für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)
Today, on the initiative of Senaki Municipality Gamgeoba and the fund “Sukhumi”, the agreement was signed regarding joint trainings on the issues of gender and gender violence for the members of Senaki Municipality local government representatives and the youth group. Implementing of this idea became possible as a result of GAC work. By the opinions of the council members, this initiative will have positive influence on local self-government as well on the youth, who represent the future of the city.
On February 24 for the next meetings the members of Batumi Gender Advisory Council (GAC) continued to work on an action plan gender policy and agreed to the terms of the final version approval; defined groups and research questions of local gender needs. Has been established Advocacy group, which to solve a specific problem and mapped out a strategy of action. GAC members gave a positive assessment initiated a series of meetings "Dialogue of Generations", which is carried out under the auspices of the SCS and contributes to gender education of young people. It was said about the need to expand this work.
The project is implemented with the support of the U.S. Department of State