Main » 2011»July»7 » Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti
Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti
At the Club of Women-Voters were showed and discussed photographs (slideshow) by a Russian photojournalist Victoria Ivleva.
Club members got acquainted with 42 photos of Victoria Ivleva. They said that the photos evoke powerful emotions and a feeling of protest against the war.
- We are grateful to the exhibition organizers, we welcome such projects. Art is a sphere that brings together people of different nationalities, - was said at the meeting.
The workshop conducted by a lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi" on the theme "Expected amendments in the Election Code of Georgia" caused great interest among the participants. They said that awareness on this issue is timely and that they would share with others the obtained information.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.