Participants in the Club of Women-Voters in Khoni initiated the ways of
solution of problems of IDPs. In order to solve the problems they plan to
develop a set of problems and cooperate with the local self government. And the
information about lobbying and advocacy provided by a lawyer will help them to
achieve this.
There are really lots of problems in the collective center of Khoni:
until now the number one problem is unemployment, intermittent water supply
(water is supplied only at night), the surrounding area needs landscaping,
there are no concessions on transport for students! But despite this fact IDPs
note that compared to previous years living conditions have been improved much
- according to the State strategy on IDPs in the 17 buildings have been
repaired in the military town of Khoni.
The project is
implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for
Democracy, USA.
Members of the Club of Women-Voters of Poti acquainted with the topic of lobbying and advocacy.
- "The Law of Georgia on lobbying is of great interest, we think that it is important to hold meetings on such topics", - said Club representatives.
Members of the Club actively discussed the issue of adoptions. Participants believe that the Law on Adoption should be simplified, so that the procedure of adoption for childless mothers was not painful for them. Club members expressed their support for Helen Shengelia invited to a meeting of the Club, who is a victim of the case. Strangers at the gate put her baby at home. Her family reported to the police, after which the child was transferred to an orphanage in Makhinjauri. Helen asked for support in the local government incorporated city of Poti, to the population of Poti and non-governmental organizations, including the fund "Sukhumi". To solve this problem a member of the local government in Poti Darejan Tshvitariya plans to gather signatures and turn in parliament.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
The issue of relations between the local self government (Sakrebulo) and local population was raised at the meeting of the Club of Women-Voters. Some participants think that meetings of the local self government are open, since society is actively involved in addressing important issues. Some think that the staff of Sakrebulo should cooperate with the population more actively, acquaint with social programs, and attend meetings of the Club of Women-Voters.
Participants of the meeting discussed challenges of the population regarding simplification of the Law on Adoption, awarding of financial aid to mothers of large families and single mothers, decrease in fees in kindergartens.
A lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi" acquainted the attendees with the Law of Georgia on lobbying. The topic of lobbying and advocacy aroused great interest among the participants.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
- All the meetings are special and interesting, - Tsitso Chkheidze.
- We welcome the initiative of the Fund "Sukhumi" to amend the legislation concerning the payment of 600 GEL to all women giving birth, - Anna Dolidze.
- I was always active, but these meetings have made me even more self-confident. Nobody will provide us with better conditions, we must take care of it ourseolves. I'm preparing for serious changes, - Nino Nikoleishvili.
The theme of the two-hour meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti was advocacy and lobbying.
Club members were acquainted with the law on lobbying. This topic aroused great interest among the attendees. In their view, the work of the Club became more interesting and effective, as the issues discussed at the meetings: women's rights, the Law on Domestic Violence, the Electoral Code, lobbying and advocacy - are very important and necessary.
Members of the Club of Women-Voters spoke on various issues. There was held a discussion on the topic "Human rights - domestic violence and ways to eradicate it." Participants noted that most part of society in Georgia is unprotected. They do not know their rights.
The conversation touched on attitudes of press and media. They emphasized that the media does not comply with the ethical and moral norms through advertisements and broadcasts of indecent content, which adversely affect the psyche of people. Transfers of this type should be allocated specific time, - said participants of the meeting.
In the second part of the meeting a lawyer of fund "Sukhumi" discussed with women-voters on advocacy and lobbying.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
A regular meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Kutaisi was held in a special format. Participants of the Club took part in a two-hour workshop, conducted by the lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi" Inga Maglaperidze.
The theme: "Advocacy and Lobbying" aroused great interest among the participants. They carried out practical exercises on a problem advocacy.
Club members mentioned that the knowledge gained at workshops, will be used by them in practice.
- We have acquainted with the law on lobbying, guessed who may be a lobbyist and what functions a lobbyist should have to solve a particular problem, - said Angela Chikhladze, a member of the Club.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
Members of the Club of Women-Voters in Ozurgeti discussed a legislative initiative of Fund "Sukhumi”. Participants think that the initiative about issuance of 600 Gel to all women giving birth is very important. In case of necessity they are ready to collect signatures to support the aforementioned bill. Members of the Club discussed the supposed lobbyists who would submit the project to the Parliament. In their opinion the Law may be lobbied by women parliamentarians, leaders of political parties, as well as the first lady of Georgia Sandra Roelofs.
It should be mentioned that one of the members of the Club, a journalist of the newspaper "Alioni” Nino Nikolaeshvili expressed wish for participation in the future local government elections. According to her, this ambition came after her cooperation with the Club. Club members welcome her decision and hope that in the near future other members of the Club would be have the same desire.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
The Club of Women-Voters held in Zugdidi was attended by women IDPs, representatives of political parties, teachers, housewives, mothers with many children, representatives of non-governmental organizations.
Participants of the meeting expressed special interest to the information provided by Fund "Sukhumi" about activities of organizations working in Israel.
The was considered the legislative initiative of fund "Sukhumi" about issuance of financial aid to women giving birth in the amount of 600 GEL. Club members welcome this initiative and noted that such legislative changes will contribute to the growth of population in Georgia.
At the end of a two-hour meeting one of the members of the Club Manana Bukia presented the book "Georgian roots of gender equality". The book was given to the present members of the Club of Women-Voters.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
Participants of the Club of Women-Voters in Poti discussed a legislative initiative of fund "Sukhumi" about granting of financial aid to women giving birth in the amount of 600 GEL. Participants supported this important initiative and are ready to collect signatures from local population in case of necessity!
The meeting was attended by the members of local government in Poti, Darejan Tshvitaria. She talked about the social package of the local self governing city of Poti, and noted that the local budget includes financial assistance for mothers with many children, free medical care for socially unprotected families.
Members of the Club of Women-Voters also touched upon the problems of the local population. - Employment is the problem number 1 – said participants of the meeting. There was also discussed the problem of adoption. Club members gave a specific example: unknown persons left a newborn in the yard of 46 year old woman who had been childless for 20 years. The state took away this child from her and sent him to an orphanage in Sagarejo.
Participants believe that the Law on Adoption should be revised. It is better for a child when he or she grows up in a warm family atmosphere than in an orphanage, where he lacks parental attention.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
The problem which should be solved - these words were heard at the meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Kutaisi. Participants discussed an initiative of fund "Sukhumi" on amendments to the bill, which involves the issuance of financial aid for all women giving birth in the amount of 600 GEL. Participants believe that this initiative is necessary and important in terms of supporting women. They hope that in the legislative system this initiative will be understood and taken into consideration.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
A meeting of the Club of Women-Voters in Khobi was attended by 25 women. They talked about the problems of the city. Particular attention was drawn to childless families, the problems associated with insurance policies, accessibility to the normal health care. There were also raised issues of migration, protection and employment of victims of domestic violence.
The meeting was attended by the representatives of Khobi municipality - Karlo Jobava and Lasha Tsatava who talked about important role of women in politics. Members of the Club of Women-Voters acquainted with the legislative initiative of fund "Sukhumi" about issuance of financial aid to women giving birth in the amount of 600 GEL! Participants believe that this Law will contribute to the growth of population.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
Members of the Club of Women-Voters evaluated the meeting held in Tskhaltubo on January 17th as interesting and productive.
The productiveness of the meeting was conditioned by the discussed issues.
During the first part of the meeting a lawyer of Fund "Sukhumi” explained members of the Club what means the rule of granting maternity pay in the legislation, and introduced an initiative of fund "Sukhumi" about amendments in the existing Law regarding issuance of financial aid for unemployed women giving birth in the amount of 600 GEL.
Then participants of the meeting were acquainted with the information about the project realized with the support of the U.S. Embassy in Georgia. The project objective is to involve women IDPs in gender monitoring of the programmes of local self-government.
Members of the club think that this project will give society opportunity to better acquaint with the work of the local self-government and with the programmes implemented at the local level.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
At a meeting of the Club of Women-Voters, organized in Khoni Club members were provided with detailed information about the new project funded by the U.S. Embassy in Georgia. The aim of the project is the integration of women IDPs in the local community through monitoring of the work of the local government.
Participants of the meeting were acquainted with legislative initiatives of fund "Sukhumi":
- financial aid for women in labor in the amount of 600 GEL.
- financial aid for the birth of the third and more children in the amount of 1000 GEL.
During the discussion it was noted that these initiatives would contribute to changing demographic statistics.
The Project Assistant Miranda Gvantseladze talked about how far it is possible to advocate and lobby for these issues.
At the end of the meeting a representative of the Fund "Sukhumi" Tea Goletiani told members of the Club about non-governmental organizations operating in Israel.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
At the beginning of the meeting participants talked about problems revealed by the League of Women-Voters and about necessity of solution of these issues.
In the opinion of the participants, they welcome the fact that lawyers of Fund "Sukhumi” are actively involved in the activity of the League and work on the issues of maternity leave and free delivery taking into account relevant legislation. Except the aforementioned problems, there were named a range of other ones to be solved at the local level in Tskhaltubo, including such as free transport fares for students and pupils, restoration of municipal kindergartens and hospitals.
Members of the Club showed an initiative to prepare a letter for the submission to the local government that these issues to be taken into account in the budget of the next year.
Once again club members were provided with the information about the world 16-day campaign. They shared their impressions about the action against gender violence, held on 25 November. Participants noted that such campaigns are like a protest against any form of violence. They discussed the topic of domestic violence. Manana Shulaia talked about the causes and consequences of domestic violence. Participants noted that there should be carried out preventive measures to eliminate this problem.
Besides the issue of domestic violence there were discussed other problems: paid delivery and maternity leave. Participants believe that the programs on adoption of children should be simplified. In order to solve these problems there need to be collected signatures, prepared letters to the central and local government, so that certain changes are made in the Legislation.
Club of Women-Voters in Zugdidi was joined by new members – lawyers, teachers of Institutions, mothers with many children. The number of women IDPs from Abkhazia has also been increased in the Club.
Members of the Club talked about problems in the region. During the group work there were stressed the most painful ones - unemployment, lack of access to health insurance, violations in the insurance system. It was noted that due to lack of health insurance policies pregnant women face problems.
There was raised the issue of integration of IDPs, large families, single mothers. In Samegrelo as well as in other regions of Georgia issues of migration and domestic violence are topical. Participants of the meeting pointed out that to solve these problems there need to be increased the role of women in political and social life of the country.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
Club of Women-Voters in Tskhaltubo was carried out in an interesting atmosphere. The meeting was attended by the coordinator of Kvinna till Kvinna in Georgia Marie Wirde.
Members of the Club talked about problems existing in Tskhaltubo and mentioned that these issues need to be lobbied at the local level.
One of the members of the Club Maia Shalamberizde who ran for the local self government elections talked about barriers preventing from women’s participation at decision making level and strengthening of their positions in politics.
In the second part of the meeting the floor was given a guest from Sweden:
-I’ve heard much about Georgia, as about developing country. I am glad to have an opportunity to learn more about your problems. I have quite much experience of work in politics which I would share with pleasure. Of course, you have to do hard work to achieve such results, but you have already started doing it. The main thing is you had the desire and the results will not keep you waiting.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.