cycle of qualifying trainings for the School of Young Women Leaders has been
launched. The first training was held in the Women’s Support Centre in Khurcha.
One-day program, including issues of women's leadership, basics of
communication, essence of conflict, was interesting for the participants.
Various role-plays and group exercises, interactive methods, discussions, helped
the girls fully develop their potential.
on the trainers’ evaluation participants could show their possibilities. The most
active girls with leadership skills have already been identified. They will be
accepted in the Leaders’ School after passing the next stage.
qualifying training will be held in Tskhaltubo.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna
till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
-I’ve become stronger
after the training. Now I have new ideas and themes.
-This training was very
useful for all of us, especially the unity of theoretical and practical
-We considered
issues that need to be discussed with the local government.
-We did not only make analysis
of experience in advocacy, but also acquired new skills.
-We have strengthened our
knowledge of gender issues and analyzed why it is important to look at problems
from the point of view of gender equality. All this will help us in our work.
This is an evaluation by training participants
of a three-day work. The training for the members of the League of Women-Voters
from eight cities in western Georgia was aimed at deepening of their knowledge
on gender equality, leadership and communication, protection of civil interests,
and conduction of panel discussions.
According to the evaluation, they plan to
apply advocacy skills in their communities to address existing problems.
The project is supported by the U.S. Embassy
in Georgia.
Evaluation training – this was the title of the training held in fund
"Sukhumi". Participants of the training tried to assess peacemaiking
activity carried out over the past two years.
Through interactive, discussions and group exercises participants had
the opportunity to express their views on the following issues: how the role of
woman in Georgia is evaluated today, whether her potential is used or not.
Participants discussed the main reasons that hinder the use of women's
potential in peaceful resolution of conflict.
According to the participants of the training, they were given the
opportunity to make a serious analysis from a gender perspective, what results
would the full use of women's potential bring in negotiation process. During
the analysis they emphasized that inclusion of women's resource in these
processes, will bring positive change to peaceful resolution of conflict.
The project is implemented with
the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
of youth groups from Kutaisi, Khoni and Tskhaltubo gathered in the training
room of Fund "Sukhumi” on November 21. The theme of the training "Public
communication skills, organization and conduction of public meetings”.
selected from the number of the training participants will conduct screening of
films and discussions with the support of international Czech organization
"People in Need” (PIN). The project will be implemented on basis of the Women’s
Support Centres of fund "Sukhumi” operating in the region.
problems concern the youth in the region, on what topic it is better to conduct
discussion, what films should be selected; how to select time, date and target
groups for meetings; what is facilitation and which skills should a moderator
of the discussion have – participants worked on these and other issues with
great interest.
were also very interested in the meeting with the representative of PIN who
told briefly about activity and priorities of the organization, perspectives
for future cooperation with youth.
project is
implemented with the support of the Czech organization People in Need.
Participants of the Leaders’ School gathered at the regular training, which focused on the development of practical skills. The youth, by tradition, should be actively involved in the 16-day Campaign Against Gender Based Violence.
Participants of the training discussed the following issues: planning of campaigns, its importance and impact on society, processing of information, skills of facilitation, preparation and conduction of round tables and other events.
At the end of the training there was identified the role of each participant and the degree of her involvement in the campaign. The Leaders’ School participants plan to conduct round tables and informational meetings, film screenings and discussions, as well as actions in parks and at the streets of the towns.
"We’ll have to pass a serious exam. We’ll have the opportunity to use the obtained information and organize specific events", - said young participants.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
For the institutional growth of mobilizers and volunteers of the Women's Support Centres of Fund "Sukhumi" and for more effective work with victims of domestic violence there was held a training on "Social advocacy and work with victims of violence" in Kutaisi, on November 9-10.
Training participants again discussed the goals of the center, their social role and place in public life. In interactive discussions there was highlighted the importance of not only informational and educational activity, but also monitoring of cases of violence, work with victims, providing them with psychological and legal services and cooperation with the relevant agencies.
Special importance was given to the issue of interviewing victims of violence that requires professionalism and skills of the respective understanding of the problem, so that training participants treated this matter with great seriousness, and formulated the so-called "golden rules of interviewing".
""It's nice to know that on the one hand, every new training systematizes and summarizes our work, and on the other hand, transfers our activity to a new level".
"Compared with other mobilizers we are beginners, but we can boldly say that we are well aware of our role, we have a desire to do more, as we see the problems and want to contribute to their solution".
"When I began an internship in the center, I did not fully understand what I had to do or what I should do. Now I can see my possibilities, and most importantly, feel great motivation. I am happy to work in this team. I was impressed by their professionalism and awareness".
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.
-The theme of effective communication was timely and
important, because we have a lot of work to do.
-Information obtained at the training was so specific
and detailed that I did not need to ask extra questions.
-From today, we will pay much attention to gestures,
improve our speech.
-Simulated Georgian-Abkhaz negotiations gave me faith
in return. I had a desire to be actively involved in the peace processes.
an assessment was made members of the School of Young Women Leaders in the
completion of a three-day training. The training on "Effective
Communication - the process of negotiations" was held in Kobuleti on September
7-9. 24 young women participated in the training.
to the trainers the theme of the training was chosen optimally, giving group
members the opportunity to get as much information as possible about the aforementioned
topic. According to them, the group was motivated and focused on the
acquisition of knowledge, which is the key to success.
three-day active work give ground to hope that members of the School will use
the obtained knowledge in practice.
The project is implemented with the support of
Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
From June 29 to July 1 in the hotel "Bordjomis kheoba"
in Borjomi was held a workshop on the theme "The role of local
self-government in prevention of domestic violence". In the training participated
representatives of local self government from Kutaisi, Poti, Zugdidi, Senaki,
Tskhaltubo, and Khoni.
The following themes were discussed at the training:
gender equality, gender stereotypes, the mechanisms acting against violence,
according to Georgian legislation, the forms of gender-based violence,
definition, types and causes of domestic violence and identification of risk
factors, referral mechanisms of social and legal protection for victims of
domestic violence, model of institutional cooperation.
Participants were actively engaged in the work of the training.
As a result of productive work they elaborated original models of concepts for
each town that is relevant to the reality of local government and will be the
basis for future strategies to combat violence.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization
EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.
On May 7 – 25, SIDA international training was held in Stockholm, Sweden on the topic: "UNSCR 1325:Woman, Peace and Security".
At the training, the conflict-affected countries were presented: Liberia, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Colombia and Georgia. A representative of Fund "Sukhumi” Miranda Gvantseladze was one from 26 participants.
The joint venture between Indevelop and the Kvinna till Kvinna Foundation, which involved academics and practitioners from the field of women, peace and security, combined different international and national perspectives and focused on sharing experiences between participants.
Topics discussed: importance of the implementation UNSCR 1325, women’s political participation, human rights and gender justice, gender-based violence (experience from Swedish police), advocacy, social media and etc.
Working on project management was particularly interesting.The participants had the opportunity to draft change projects related to the resolution 1325, that they will develop in the follow up period and presentthe results at the meeting, planned to be conducted in November in Colombia.
In addition, the special importance of the training is that it contributes to increasing knowledge on women’s participation at different level of decision-making, building national and international networks on UNSCR 1325 and developing new methodsfor the implementation of the resolution in practice.
- I’ll make friends with Abkhaz peers via the Internet.
- I can come with the Abkhaz girl to the next meeting.
- I’ll send Abkhaz children pictures and toys made by Georgian children.
- I can cooperate with non-governmental organizations operating in Abkhazia.
- I’ll tell about women's peacemaking to my friends.
- I’ll hold a workshop and "gather" peacemaking initiatives of young people.
- I’ll try to influence on my parents, who are still aggressive.
There are many more specific suggestions made on the last day of training. Participants of the training expressed their strong desire to be engaged actively in the process of peacemaking.
All of this was conditioned by the three-day training session on "Conflict and Peace", which was held in Batumi on May 11-13.
Participants were interested in the theory of conflict, analysis and ways of its solution.
After the second day of the training they were watching the performance of Batumi Drama Theatre "Last stop".
They looked at different conflicts presented in the performance through the lens of the knowledge and on the third day, during reflection, they could not hide their emotions because of composure shown by the public. They mentioned: we should not give the conflict the opportunity to escalate, it is difficult to manage conflict, but everyone can do it, and if society is united, it will be able to resolve the conflict, we must take care of conflict resolution, even when it does not concern us personally.
Most of the participants knew well the information on Georgian-Abkhaz conflict. This facilitated the perception of the issue and created the background for the third working day, which was dedicated to the theme "Peace and Peacemaking." Emphasis was placed on the peacekeeping role of women, the publication of Fund "Sukhumi", "Women in search of peace". Participants elaborated action plans, taking into account their peace initiatives.
The young women will use the obtained knowledge not only themselves, but will provide for others – they will hold workshops in Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo, Khoni, Poti, Senaki, Khurcha and try to find peace initiatives.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
Two-day training for women-mobilizers of Women’s Support Centers was held in Fund "Sukhumi”. The theme of the training was "Project writing and advocacy".
The training was attended by eleven mobilizers of the Women's Support Centers in Kutaisi, Khoni, Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Poti, and Khurcha. The first day of the training was devoted to the elaboration of projects (project cycle, main stages, mission, purpose, strategy is a typical project, etc.), and the second day was devoted to the issues of civil interests advocacy (advocacy skills: problem definition, searching for information, definition of objectives, verification mechanisms) as well as the issues of cooperation with local authorities.
During the training there were defined a lot of problems of the population. For example, pansioners who live in Khurcha and Nabakevi and it is very difficult to go to Zugdidi to get pensions, so they are asking for the opening of an ATM of "Liberty Bank" in Khurcha or delivery of pensions in place.
Reflection of the training showed that most participants are ready to work on project elaboration independently and develop an effective strategy for advocacy.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.
The first training of the School of Young Women-Leaders on "Effective leadership” ("Leadership and communication”, "Leader and team”, "Gender qualities of a leader”, "Conflict management”).
19 young women were actively engaged in the three-day training.
The feedback after the training showed that the team work made young people confident. The training provided an incentive for the girls to become more independent, protect their rights:
- I was afraid that I could not work in a team but the atmosphere created by the trainers and openness of the girls helped me to overcome this complex.
- I feel the rush of positive energy that gives me the strength to express my opinions, views, and not to blindly obey others’ decisions.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.
training, held in the collective center "Electromechanical Lyceum" within the framework of the project, supported by the British
organization "Conciliation Resources", was attended by 11 people
(active groups, selected by IDP communities, living in collective centers
"Ankom" and "Electromechanical Lyceum").
The training
participants were given information about their institutional rights.
Particular attention was paid the right of selection of housing, which is quite
topical and problematic. The following issues were also important: protection
of IDPs of unreasoned resettlement (guarantee, funds); rehabilitation of
collective centers; transfer of ownership.
mentioned that it is necessary to distinguish authority and keep hierarchy so
that IDPs were able to raise their problems and solve them in the appropriate
The training
participants were provided with the detailed information about issues which
they were concerned about.
The training on advocacy and lobbying was carried
out in the collective
center "Electromechanical Lyceum" within the framework of the project
"Awareness rasing of IDPs living in
unrehabilitated buildings, on their legal issues in regard with the process of
rehabilitation", supported by the British organization "Conciliation
Resources". In the training participated active groups of IDPs living in the
collective centers "Ankom" and "Electromechanical Lyceum".
The objective of the training was to increase opportunities
of IDP communities for advocacy of their problems and lobbying issues of resettlement,
to identify problems and solutions through advocacy and elaboration of messages.
During group works were identified the following problems:
specific criteria during re-allocation of IDPs to
alternative accommodation, specific terms for the
commencement and completion of repair works, employment of IDPs on construction
objects in Kutaisi,proving members of different generations of one family with housing.
The training participants are ready to use their
skills and experience to lobby for their issues and problems of the community.
In the office of Fund "Sukhumi" was held a two-day training on "Advocacy - an effective tool for the protection of civic interests". It was attended by 24 members of advocacy groups of the League of Women-Voters from eight towns in Western Georgia. Among the participants were students, teachers, journalists and public figures.
The training program included both theory and practical exercises in groups.
The participants got acquainted with the concept of advocacy, its stages and methods of determining effective actions in the process of advocacy.
During group works participants defined one problem for each town and developed a strategy to address it.
As a result of the training, participants obtained new skills for advocacy, planned their joint future activity and shared their experiences.
The training course was covered by the local TV company "Rioni".
on Capacity building was held for the participants of the first and second
courses of the Leaders’ School in hotel "Imeri”, Kutaisi.
communications, conflicts in team and ways of solution” – after discussing of this
theme young women thought about their habits.
information obtained at the training was so specific and comprehensive that I didn’t
have to ask any questions”, "the knowledge obtained during the three days will
help me in successful conduction of measures planned within the 16 Days
Campaign and in my daily life”, - these were opinions of the first course
of the democracy course were familiarized with mission, functions, goals and
structure of project writing with great enthusiasm.
idea about creation of youth NGO came out at the first training. This training
will help us realize this idea”, - said the girls.
participants of both courses gathered on the third day of the training to
discuss plans of the forthcoming campaign. The meeting was quite original and
interesting as the girls were given the opportunity to work together and share
their experiences.
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish
"In the Leaders’ School we obtain knowledge which is unavailable for us in other places”; "Most of all I remembered group activities at the training”; "I really enjoyed working onetiquette andimage of a business woman," "We look forward to a new phaseof the training"The theme of effective communication was very timely and important since we have much to do in the future” – these phrases were heard during the training evaluation when the training came to an end and there were defined plans for future campaign and homework.
According to the training evaluation, discussed themescorresponded tothe needs ofthe group.The training is just the beginningof educationin the Leaders’ School, and the girls need to make great efforts and work hard to achieve the rest. The main thing isthat the groupis motivatedand focused on knowledge which is the key to success.
A lotof creative ideasexpressedat the trainingshould be improved andrealized bythe girls!
The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.