Particular attention in the broadcast, prepared by the Fund "Sukhumi", was given to women's activism in public life and politics.
Co-chairperson of Fund "Sukhumi" and the Project Coordinator Meri Gelashvili said: "In our country, women's activism is visible in public organizations, but in government agencies and political bodies women are underrepresented".
Mzia Kikalishvili (leader of Tskhaltubo organization of Democratic party of Georgia) said: "I will always try to persuade women to be active. It's hard for men, especially Georgian men, to get used to the fact of women’s presence in the ruling top of the party".
"We have three female deputies in our Sakrebulo, and the balance is in the machinery (two of the three offices are run by women). Certainly, women need to be mobilize", - Aleko Mameshvili (Chairman of Ozurgeti municipality).
The project assistant Gulnara Lakerbaia: "Activities in the Clubs of Women-Voters have been continued. We have selected groups on advocacy and public relations. I think that the project will again contribute to women’s mobilization and healthy competition." |