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Women gathered in Poti, at the meeting of the Club of Women Voters of Fund "Sukhumi” told about their problems to a special guest Gocha Dolbaia (Deputy Chairperson of Poti Sakrebulo).

The focus was made on the problems of the new IDP settlement. They told that the walls in the apartments are cracked and water drainage system is out of order. The majority of IDPs are not employed.

The emphasis was made on the IDPs who are still waiting for their own apartments. They have lived with their relatives or rented apartments for many years.

Gocha Dolbaia promised club members that he would cooperate with advocacy group, and try to study and solve the raised problems.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 647 | Added by: admin | Date: 11.07.2013

At their second meeting, members of the Women's Club of Fund "Sukhumi" in the village of Bia boldly talk about plans for the future. It turned out that some of the members have work experience in advocacy:

"I’ve graduated from the school in Mendzhi. There was a very active youth group - we responded to numerous problematic issues".

"I cooperated with the Women's Club of Khobi. Good memories link me with that period. I was on the pages of the journal "Women's Voice" for several times.

"We went through a difficult time. We would not be saved by one, if not the unity and support of each other."

"I'm good at communication. It is not difficult for me to find a common and made anyone interested".

The workshop on Practical advocacy was interesting for everyone.

There were revealed many urgent problems: environmental pollution, lack of bins for rubbish, the problem of water in the village, installation of electricity meters...

There were also identified priority issues: organization of free computer courses in the village. Members of the Club planned a strategy  of advocacy for that issue. They stressed that in the first group will study middle-aged women and hope that young people will carefully treat their decision.

They also shared their desire to go to the sea, in Anaklia. They are very busy, but it worths to find time...


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)


Category: Clubs | Views: 456 | Added by: admin | Date: 10.07.2013

At the meeting there was summed up one year activity. Moderators Nino Nikolaishvili and Ketevan Kadeishvili prepared a digital presentation for this day. Members of the club visited together the facebook page of the club on the big screen.

There was mentioned that during the report period more than 10 local problems were solved and cultural activities were conducted.

A member of the Club, a speech therapist Tamar Dumbadze said that she decided to come to politics. After cooperation with the club this desire became even stronger.

 - The Club activates women. I want to try myself in politics. I want to do a lot in my sphere, help socially vulnerable people, and to achieve victory in the elections I rely on the support of the club of Women Voters! - said Tamar Dumbadze.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 471 | Added by: admin | Date: 01.07.2013

Kutaisi Club of Women Voters of Fund "Sukhumi" is always crowded and all the participants are especially active. So it was this time too. But among attendees there dominated internally displaced persons, since to the meeting was invited a head of the Regional Office on IDPs - Lika Kiladze.

The meeting was held in the format of questions and answers. The audience was interested in many questions: the registration of IDPs, allocation of living space, rehabilitation of collective centers, and construction of new centers...

All the participants of the meeting had the opportunity to ask questions, and be provided with irrefragable answers.

The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 601 | Added by: admin | Date: 26.06.2013

Advocacy group comprised of 5 persons submitted report on the carried out activities at the meeting of Senaki Club of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi”.

The Club managed to solve two problems: there was no water supply at Vachnadze street, a small bridge in Sakharbedio is damaged. We addressed local authorities. The results are as follows: water supply schedule has been resolved and the process of the restoration of a bridge has been started.

Every success provides an incentive for other activities – members of Senaki Club know this and plan to advocate for new problems. 


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 403 | Added by: admin | Date: 25.06.2013

Advocacy group invited representatives of city administration and municipal improvements at the meeting of the Club.

Tskhaltubo Club of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi” has raised the problem of a new IDP settlement several times – the water flooding from the stadium during rain damages the building and threatens population.

Advocacy group and a group of civic initiative actively involved in this problem solution.

While the old problems are being solved, the club has already raised the new ones that will be advocated for in the near future: the improvement of footpaths and windbreak planting of trees.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 465 | Added by: admin | Date: 24.06.2013

In Poti was held a regular meeting of the Club of Women Voters of Fund "Sukhumi”. Along with the other issues, members were acquainted with the package of legislative changes. The package developed by the National Network of Protection from Violence, together with representatives of government and non-governmental organizations, aims to provide legal and social protection of single mothers.

It was noted that according to the statistics of the past 13 years, 30,000 children in Georgia do not have data about their fathers in their birth certificates. This means that there are thousands of women among us who have taken the burden of single mothers, but they do not have any support from the state.

Members of the club believe that the law should be reviewed and it would be good if the Parliament decides to change the law.

"The adoption of the law will help to improve the social situation of single mothers, - said participants of the meeting. They expressed their support by signing a letter-appeal to the deputies of the Parliament.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 1407 | Added by: admin | Date: 21.06.2013

The fourth rural club of Fund "Sukhumi" was established in the village Mendji of Senaki Municipality. At the first meeting members of the Club - local women and women IDPs expressed a desire to actively engage in the work of the club and take part in solution of the problems of local population.

 - We have heard a lot about Fund "Sukhumi". We are very glad that this organization came to us. I think that together we can do a lot of good things, - said one of the participants of the meeting, a member of the Club of Women-Voters of the village Mendji Maia Sichinava.

At the meeting were reported problems of gas and water supply...

Members of the club believe that these and other problems can be solved if they show more organization and activity.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 454 | Added by: admin | Date: 20.06.2013

Ozugeti Club of Women Voters of Fund "Sukhumi" has a long-term experience of cooperation with local authorities. By tradition, women invited a deputy of Ozurgeti Municipality Council Lela Natsvaladze to the regular club meeting. The conversation touched on urgent problems: in some parts of the city there are no fountains for drinking water, no public toilets, the fountain in the centre of the city does not operate...

According to Lela Natsvaladze the problem number one is the absence of the programme of municipal improvements. She also talked about illegal constructions.

The deputy mentioned that she would provide her colleagues in the Municipality Council with information on the problems raised at the club meeting. She also expressed hope that the Municipality Council will continue many years’ tradition, and will actively cooperate with the Women’s Club, that will contribute to advocacy and solution of many problems.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 491 | Added by: admin | Date: 19.06.2013

A new place-name has appeared on a map of the Clubs of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi”– the village Ekadia of Ozurgeti Municipality. The Club was officially formed on June 19 and there were expressed expectations of attendees. The Club brings together women of different ages and social status, but they almost equally see problems.

The workshop carried out at the first meeting of the Club revealed priority issues: "the main problem of the village is road”; "public transport does not work well”; "the system of water supply has been rehabilitated but there is no water”; "we don’t have good communication with local government”; "we don’t have enough workplaces”; "many residents have health problems”.

Members of the Club listened with interest to the information about Fund "Sukhumi". They were interested in the experience of Ozugeti Club of Women-Voters shared by the invited guests.

The club has selected several issues that need urgent solutions. And evaluating the meeting, they said: the motivation for the formation of the club - as an organized group of women, is quite high. As for experience, according to the women, it will come with time!


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 481 | Added by: admin | Date: 19.06.2013

Participants of a regular meeting of Zugdidi Club of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi” spoke about the work of advocacy group – already achieved results, and future plans.

According to the moderator of the club Inga Archaia, this time the group decided to help kids – they have studied the problem of a kindergarten in the village Zeda Etseri that needs redecoration.

The advocacy group appealed to the City Council municipality. The first stage of advocacy is completed – there were made ​​estimates for 1741 GEL.

An acting head of Zugdidi Municipality George Todua mentioned: "I am well aware of the club’s activity. We will actively cooperate with them to solve together urgent problems".

Members of the Club hope for starting of repair works in the next few days. But in order to speed up the process they decided to apply to Zugdidi Municipality administration.


The project is implemented with the support

of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 469 | Added by: admin | Date: 18.06.2013

The annals of Batumi Club of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi” include many problems that have been solved. But in this resort town still much has to be done.

The club started to advocate for the new problem.

 - There are unsanitary conditions on Grishashvili street. Spoiled pipes need to be restored, and a contaminated area needs to be cleaned. The problem is urgent and needs a quick decision. Advocacy group has decided to apply to the head of the JSC "Batumi water" Jano Varshalomidze - said the club moderator Natia Kikvadze.

For effective advocacy, club members use media tools and social networks. They post photos of the contaminated street on their facebook accounts (Fund Sokhumi Batumi Batumi).


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 455 | Added by: admin | Date: 14.06.2013

Another rural Club of Fund "Sukhumi” has been created in the village Bia of Khobi Municipality. There are 20 women of different professions (most of them are unemployed and that was called the main problem) in the Club of Women-Voters.

Women approved an idea of the Club creation and decided to actively cooperate with other Clubs.

At the first meeting participants discussed living problems. They said that the most relevant was the problem of water supply: water supply system is out of order, drinking water is of poor quality. One part of the village (Sashonio) is not supplied with water and villagers use wells.

According to the attendees local government is aware of that problem since it was raised many times at the rural meetings, but nothing has been changed yet. At the Club meeting the issue was considered more categorically: full rehabilitation of water supply system and installation of meters.

The problem will be advocated by the Club of Women-Voters of the village Bia. A moderator of the Club is Manana Shulaia – a member of Khobi Sakrebulo. Members of the newly established club believe that they will be able to solve this problem through the cooperation of local government.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: Clubs | Views: 485 | Added by: admin | Date: 13.06.2013

Four rural Clubs have been added to the Clubs of Women-Voters operating in eight cities of Western Georgia. One of the Clubs is located in the village Koki, Zugdidi District.

The first meeting was held at the conference hall of Koki public school. Women of different professions (including IDPs) got acquainted with the work of women's clubs in Western Georgia, and expressed a desire to contribute to the solution of local problems and take care of social and political mobilization of women.

A moderator of the club - DalilaChikava is a member of ZugdidiCity Council, which is the largest one among local governmentalorgans of Georgia and there is only one woman among 41 members. Therefore it is very important forDalilaChikavato change the situation in the future.

 - In order to ensure that more women candidates win future elections, we have to work harder with voters and political parties, - said Mrs. Dalila.

Women from Koki gathered at the Club meeting think that the creation of the club is relevant and timely to fulfill the aforementioned mission.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 462 | Added by: admin | Date: 12.06.2013

At the Club of Women-Voters there were stressed the problems of socially vulnerable categories of the population. There was discussed a specific fact: a house an active member of the club - Mzisadar Mardzhanishvili burned down few years ago. She still lives in someone else's house, because government agencies did not provide her with housing.

Mzisadar Mardzhanishvili asked the club to help her in the preparation of letters and lobby the issues in the relevant agencies. By joint efforts there was prepared a statement on the name of the Chairperson of Committee of the Georgian Parliament on Health and Social Affairs. The letter has already been registered in the Department of office management of the Parliament (statement 20019).

 According to the moderator of Khoni Club of Women-Voters Eliso Jikia, the survivor has not yet received a response, but advocacy group hopes that her request will not be left without response.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy (USA)

Category: Clubs | Views: 418 | Added by: admin | Date: 11.06.2013

24 participants of democracy course of the School of Young Women Leaders gathered at the regular training in Fund "Sukhumi" in Kutaisi. The training program included a visit to the City Council and familiarization with the structure of local government and the functions of separate committees, so that the participants had a view of the practical activities of the Sakrebulo machinery and separate committees. This block of the training was fruitful and productive, that is reflected in the evaluation made by the participants:

"We have been accepted, not only as students, but as colleagues."

"We differently imagined the work in the City Council. We saw how the work is actually carried out that was a novelty for us."

The other parts of the training were also very important. Participants were informed about the role of media in the democratization process, the role of political parties in the formation of civil society. They were acquainted with the organic law on local government, the role of civil activism.

The educational program included informal meetings. Young participants gladly listened to the poems of local poets - Lia Gvenetadze and Gizo Tavadze.

A cognitive evening was arranged with the director of the TV company "Rioni" Tamila Gvinianidze, who told participants about her career of a woman-leader.

At the end of training participants made the following assessment:

"Well planned high-level training."

"We have been developed. Our ambition and desire to go the way of other successful women - leaders and be like them have increased."


The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna, women’s Swedish Foundation.

Category: Clubs | Views: 461 | Added by: admin | Date: 18.05.2013

From today, Fund "Sukhumi" will have 6 Youth Centres - in Kutaisi, Tskhaltubo, Khoni, Senaki, Poti and Khurcha. The Centers are led by the alumnies of the School of Young Leaders and were united in the Youth Network, which aims to mobilize and activate youth in regions, develop their leadership skills and motivate them for the involvement in the political life of the country.

The project is implemented with the support of Kvinna till Kvinna,

women’s Foundation (Sweden)

Category: Clubs | Views: 517 | Added by: admin | Date: 10.05.2013

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