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Category: TV programmes | Views: 375 | Added by: admin | Date: 03.03.2014

Category: TV programmes | Views: 424 | Added by: admin | Date: 01.03.2014

The TV program, aired on the local TV "Rioni” retailed the viewers about the activities and future plans of the gender consultation centers based by the fund ”Sukhumi” in Kutaisi, Senaki and Ozurgeti. The show was attended by the members of Kutaisi council, stuff of the fund "Sukhumi” and the activists of the voter women’s club.

There was a live with Ozurgeti and Senaki council representatives, who spoke about practical results of the project: analysis of local gender situation, discussions on gender budgeting, project on civil activity and gender education, preoperational work for gender needs research. In future it will give us opportunity to suggest proposals and recommendations to Sakrebulo, which will reflect interests for the different gender groups and they will be envisaged in the local budget.

"The fact that council exists, the memorandum of collaboration is signed, tells about a positive attitude of civil groups and the women’s involvement in the formation of budget” – said the deputy of Kutaisi Sakrebulo. His position is: "The women must define local politics”.

The confidence level towards he council from the side of society is based on the people, who are among the fund participants. This was shown by the inter-active of the show. The question was: will be the activities of the gender council useful for the society. The answers were allocated in such way: Yes – 68%, No – 32%.



The project is implemented with the support

 of the UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality

Category: TV programmes | Views: 432 | Added by: admin | Date: 27.02.2014

The second programme for the cycle "Peace in the home, peace in the world” was transferred on air of  the TV company "Rioni”. The programme summarized the results of an informational campaign.

What the resonance of the informational campaign was; what situation was revealed by the survey, informational meetings, public discussions, topics that directly correspond to the spirit of the campaign, how productive was cooperation with various community groups, how the ruling circles and mass media were included in the campaign - these and other issues were discussed by the participants of the telecast, including staff members of the Fund, representatives of society, members of local government of Khoni and Kutaisi.

Particular attention was paid to the civil forum, organized by the Fund "Sukhumi" on December 9, in Kutaisi with the participation of representatives of the legislative and executive power of Western Georgia, NGOs, media where they determined forms of participation of local authorities in the prevention of violence against women and girls and assistance to victims and the prospects for cooperation in the non-governmental sector, other local institutions.

"We should welcome the fact that the main legislative body of the country in parallel with the ongoing discussions in the local government comprehends implementation of appropriate policies and practices relating to the elimination of violence, since the existence of the law is not only "turning on the green light", but without existing of the correct approaches to the problem and the relevant resources it is impossible to solve the problem” - said participants of the programme.

The radiobroadcast of the radio "Rioni", which covered many interesting and relevant issues was devoted to the active inclusion of Fund "Sukhumi" in the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Based Violence Campaign.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Category: TV programmes | Views: 533 | Added by: admin | Date: 10.12.2013

The society was once again reminded about the beginning of informational campaign and the extended participation of fund "Sukhumi” in the campaign by the TV program on air of "TV Rioni”

 "Since morning we’ve got so many congratulations with starting campaign. At first it was unusual, but then we perceived that it was the recognition of importance of the campaign and social values. This year we had unprecedented support from local government in the whole West Georgia - initially campaign attributes were allocated in all visible places.

The regional and central media provide us with constant support – we respect high social responsibility of journalists toward the problem of domestic violence. 

Fund "Sukhumi" with partner NGOs are getting involved in more than one hundred events, that enhances the overall effort to overcome the problem, "- said the program participants.

 "Unfortunately, domestic violence is not perceived by everyone as the public problem and social evil," considered the forum - theater young participants.

They played the scenes on live which show everyday devastating process around us.

Unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to improve their results.

During the program was shown a TV plot about actions held by Fund "Sukhumi" on the 25th of November - the first day of the campaign - which showed once again the irreconcilable attitude of the majority of society to any form of violence.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization Brot

 für die Welt – Evangelischer Entwicklunsdienst (Germany)

Category: TV programmes | Views: 416 | Added by: admin | Date: 25.11.2013

Category: TV programmes | Views: 467 | Added by: admin | Date: 25.11.2013

The last chord of the 16-day campaign was the telecast, transmitted on "TV Rioni". At the programme was summarized activity carried out within the framework of the campaign, and made analysis of the raised topics, in problems that need to be addressed and on issues that need coordinated work.

"This year the campaign was very wide-scaled. Central and regional media and partners contributed to the efficiency and broad involvement to the campaign. Traditional cooperation with media, social institutions, government agencies has increased even more and was joined by the number of private institutions, which is very important and gives rise to the unity of society to address the problem.

Guests of the programme - representatives of local government, social services, non-governmental sector emphasized that after the cooperation with Fund "Sukhumi” they saw the relevance of many topics and activated their work for the solution of several issues. "We have seen that, in spite of very valuable achievements in programs for children’s protection from violence, we should get together and initiate new prospects for cooperation with other social institutions, to listen to their assessment, share their experience".

We have already informed representatives of local self-government that there is a pressing need for information on the issue, especially at the community level, where local representatives have to solve many issues on their own, take on public services".

"It is good to conduct the circle of meetings with School Directors, heads of kindergartens”.

"Very often in various public institutions everything ends with one-time assistance provided to the victim. At this time problem solution needs permanent institutional approach and regular monitoring. Meanwhile, we have a long way, but - we should start".

 "Every citizen should have the information on existing services".

At the end of the programme attendees mentioned once again that "intolerance to violence should not be the topic of only 16-day campaign, but a life style, and be in everyone’s consciousness”.

The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 783 | Added by: moderatori | Date: 19.12.2012

"Together Against Violence Against Women"


TV programme of Fund "Sukhumi" aired on live of "Rioni" on November 26 informed the public about the launch of the 16-day campaign against gender-based violence against women and the planned activities with the participation of activists of Fund "Sukhumi" and numerous partners throughout Western Georgia.

Viewers briefly acquainted with the activities carried out for several years for a positive response to the problem of domestic violence.

What messages are sent to society, how fund "Sukhumi” gains publicity of the campaign, what is the involvement of broader sections of society and social institutions in the campaign: young activists of fund talked about the informational campaign that had already been conducted and its results, as well as about the action, planned to be conducted during the football match on the Stadium "Torpedo Kutaisi".

"I have conducted a lot of programmes for many years, but unfortunately, I’ve never regarded the subject of domestic violence. This topic has become relevant only in the last period and identified the problems of many people".

"A lot of topics have appeared in our radio after cooperation with you, and have earned the public's attention" - journalists of regional media recognize the need for the involvement of media and society.

Interactive showed the attitude of society to the question - Do you think that social informational campaigns can change the attitude of society towards the issue of domestic violence and influence on the problem of violence". As it turned out, most of the audience believes that the public campaigns and awareness raising have a positive impact on the problem solution and promote intolerant attitude to violence.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 490 | Added by: admin | Date: 26.11.2012

The background for a TV programme was an interactive (question – Are women’s issues reflected in the programs of political parties or not? Yes - 46%; No - 54%). Activeness of participants showed that the issue of the increased women’s political participation is being gradually raised on political agenda.

What document was designed by the League of Women-Voters of Fund "Sukhumi", what are its basic principles, visions and priorities for the achievement of gender equality and protection of women's rights in the next three years, how these principles should be realized - these and other issues were discussed on live of "Rioni TV" by activists of the fund, members of the League of Women-Voters of Western Georgia.

According to the participants of the programme, the years 2012, 2013, 2014 in Georgia – are election years. The issue how women realize their responsibilities, how society and political parties trust them is of crucial importance.  

"We consider that when forming lists the principle of no less than 40% and no more than 60% of the representatives of the same sex should be taken into account”; "family and protection of family should be priority in the country. The vision of the League is that the women, whose families are close to the poverty line, were provided with free-of-charge child birth”; "in conditions of two unresolved conflicts for successful official negotiations should be followed the principle of equal women’s participation”.

According to the activists of the League of Women Voters, the priority issue for the League is still to identify local problems and expand dialogue with society and government.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 518 | Added by: admin | Date: 20.07.2012


The combination of the activity of the Club of Women Voters of Khoni with the goodwill of local government – this is evaluation made in the TV plot on air of "Rioni” with regard to positive resolution of the issues, which was made ​​possible by the efforts of the advocacy group of Khoni Club of Women-Voters.

Members of the group, representatives of local government focus on the positive aspects of cooperation: socially vulnerable IDPs are exempt from paying public utilities, a woman - victim of domestic violence and her children are provided with accommodation, the schedule of water supply is settled and the decision on conduction of rehabilitation works by water supply company in the settlement of IDPs has already been made.

In the TV plot can be heard gratitude expressed by the population and a new social order for advocacy groups: problems with regard to repair works in IDPs’ settlement and rehabilitation of buildings.


Category: TV programmes | Views: 581 | Added by: admin | Date: 24.06.2012

The work of the Women's League of Fund "Sukhumi" on protection of civil interests often gains media attention. The TV plot showed in a weekly program "The theme of the week", reflected the work of advocacy group of Batumi Club of Women-Voters.

 Parents and teachers emphasize that through the efforts of the advocacy group the issue of heating in the Kindergarten № 2 in Kobuleti has been solved; manifolds in some districts of Batumi were littered, so there was a danger of flooding. Employees of the relevant services of the city hall do not hide the fact that the problem has been solved through the active work of the Club.

Successes gave more incentive to members of the group. At present the agenda includes few issues (cleaning of the territory in Green Cape, regulation of pedestrian crossing in some streets of Kobuleti). There is a corresponding statistics.

The plot shows that the level of confidence of society and official bodies in the women's club is being increased.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.


Category: TV programmes | Views: 938 | Added by: admin | Date: 27.05.2012

A TV plot reflecting the activity of the advocacy group of Tskhaltubo Club of Women-Voters was aired on TV "Rioni” on March 29. The group lobbied the issue of the provision of financial assistance from the budget of the City Council (Sakrebulo) to the honored teachers IDPs. Representatives of the City Council expressed their readiness to cooperate actively with the group, "with their help we were able to show proper respect to people who have served the community all their life."

"For us it is not only financial assistance, but great moral support, evaluation of our work - this is the opinion of the honored teachers, who are eager to tell about their interesting life". 

- The plot has already been assessed - regional Clubs of Women-Voters expressed their desire to familiarize with the experience of the Tskhaltubo advocacy group.


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 968 | Added by: admin | Date: 30.03.2012

"I am very glad that you have raised this problem. It seems as if all that we hear and see is happening in our families. It is a pity that we do not respect older people and this is very alien to our traditions!"

"Seeing the scene, I had the desire to encourage my peers to caress their grandparents, because they will not always be with us?!"

"I want to thank you for this programme. You discuss very topical issues. Our society needs to think about all this! "

"Unfortunately, parents try to earn a living and pay no attention to child's psyche. They don’t try to find the reasons why their children are aggressive and angry".

"The scenes touched me, meddling of other people in husband’s and wife’s affairs leads to no good ..."

In the programme on air of "Rioni" the youth Forum-theater played a scene that has long been pushing the various groups of society in the debate because, as they said during the programme, "it is easier to distinguish good from bad through emotions". You can see statistics in your computer, but the human drama, so masterfully played out by young actors, evoke in us healthy protest against violence". 

As it turned out, there was not enough time for the expression of human emotions. People calling to the studio expressed their opinions and asked to give them the opportunity to see the forum-theatre plays once again, involve more young people in public debate in order to contribute to violence prevention, establishing of warm human relationships.


The project is implemented with the support of the SOROS Foundation

Category: TV programmes | Views: 543 | Added by: admin | Date: 29.03.2012


The TV programme of Fund "Sukhumi”, transmitted on air of "Rioni” on February 24, was about obvious cases of civil advocacy.

Members of advocacy groups of the Clubs of Women-Voters of Kutaisi and Tskhaltubo told about their work on solution of specific problems such as unregulated schedule of water supply in several districts, removal of benefits for the payment of water supply to upper floors, and also about a very delicate problem of incorrect attitude of some citizens to water resource that results in non-purposeful utilization of this resource.

The situation in water supply of Kutaisi, gaps and measures to be made to fill the gaps – these issues were discussed by the advocacy groups’ members together with managers of relevant services, representatives of NGOs and local government.

TV journalists had the opportunity to ask questions which they were interested in. There were revealed many problematic issues which, according to the guests, would be solved by stages and the maximum result of this process would be achieved only through close cooperation of civil society organizations and the relevant agencies, local governments, and through information sharing. 

Members of the advocacy groups initiated plans for further activity. The television has already started to work on several social TV advertisings.

Certain groups of citizens have already responded to the appeal for active cooperation with the relevant structures to improve the situation in their districts.      


The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 556 | Added by: admin | Date: 24.02.2012


A TV programme dedicated to the launch of the 16 Days of Activism Campaign by Fund "Sukhumi” was aired in live of TV "Rioni” on November 24.

According to the representatives of Fund "Sukhumi" an international 16 days campaign against gender violence is held annually from November 25 to December 10, and is covered by media. Therefore social advertisements of Fund "Sukhumi” are screened by regional and central TV channels throughout the campaign.

The programme participants were Fund’s activists, famous people, journalists, psychologists, and forum-theatre actors. An interesting discussion showed once again the severity and topicality of the problem of violence, the need to join society, various government structures and social institutions to address the problem.

"Domestic violence leaves a big imprint on the human psyche rather than wars, social upheavals, because it regards to human relations. Therefore, we believe that the work of Fund "Sukhumi" in this area is so important and valuable, therefore society supports it so actively"- said the programme participants.

The audience had possibility to receive information about measures planned by Fund "Sukhumi” in Western Georgia. The journalists in the studio were given calendars, posters and blue scarves which they will wear during the campaign to show the solidarity.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 689 | Added by: admin | Date: 24.11.2011


"We are grateful to everyone who called today to the TV studio and expressed their position. This is direct evidence that society has expressed confidence in the League of Women-Voters and their participation in political processes", - said participants of the telecast, held in the studio "Rioni", where activists of the Club of Women-Voters, the project participants talked about the achieved results, difficulties and the situation on supporting of women's political participation.

The conversation was also about future plans, activities within the new project, which focuses on enhancing the electorate and mobilization around women candidates in future elections in order to change the gender balance in politics.

Some of the spectators calling to the studio were speaking about the necessity of advocating painful issues for society. The advocacy group and the TV company responded to this order of society – there were made TV reporting for the programe "Seven days”, which is a prerequisite for future problems.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 630 | Added by: admin | Date: 29.09.2011

Intensive telephone calls to the studio during the telecast, organized by Fund "Sukhumi" and aired on TV "Rioni", confirmed that there were discussed the vital issues.

Again the telecast highlighted the role of local government in tackling domestic violence and became a kind of continuation of the initiated public debate and quite constructive cooperation with representatives of local government as well as activities planned for future prospects.

What is meant by a national referral mechanism to combat violence, what is the law like regarding the issue of protection of victims and rehabilitation of perpetrators and practices existing in parallel with the law, whether the local government sees its role in solving this problem - a conversation on this topic took place together with intense interactive inclusion of TV viewers.

In the TV plot, prepared by the TV journalists of Fund "Sukhumi" representatives of local government talk about the positive experience of cooperation with Fund and the necessity of addressing the issue of domestic violence and including self-governing units in violence prevention, about the mandatory inclusion of certain funds in local budget.

"The main points of the Action Plan for 2011-2012 adopted by the government imply improvement of national referral mechanisms, and dissemination of information about those mechanisms. We can say that fund "Sukhumi" works much in both directions, and the support of a local government is obvious,"- was said at the telecast.

Category: TV programmes | Views: 516 | Added by: admin | Date: 16.09.2011

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