Nona Toloraia, Maia Shalamberidze, Ia Gvenetadze, Irina Sajaia…
TV plot made by Fund "Sukhumi” before the local self-government elections acquaints us with the programmes of women-candidates and covers their meetings with voters.
Programmes on social protection of citizens, providing help for families with many children, nursing of the pregnant…
This is not a full list of the issues reflected in the programmes of women-candidates.
The plot covers activities of Fund "Sukhumi” for popularization of women-candidates in pre-election period – special issue of "Women’s Voice” containing platforms of women-candidates running for the local self-government elections in Western Georgia, leaflets and posters.
The plot also provides information about Action which will take place on May 27 in 15 cities of Georgia. With the initiative of Fund "Sukhumi” other women’s organizations of Georgia will also joint the Action.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization NED – National Endowment for Democracy, USA.
Participants of group and individual meetings of psychologist in Women’s Support Centres (Poti, Khurcha, Tskhaltubo, Senaki, Khurcha, Kutaisi) were 58 women.
-It is better not to reproach a drunken husband, abuse and argue with him. You’ll have time to tell him everything you think about in the morning.
Observe him, controlling your emotions. That will help you to strengthen your relations and avoid misunderstanding. In that way you’ll help him and yourself. Woman needs to be attentive and able to make proper conclusions.
These were advices of psychologist for women who told about problems within their families regarding hard drinking of their husbands.
The project is implemented with the support of the organization EED Evangelischer Entwicklungsdienst.
It was symbolical that the silent Action in Akhaltsikhe started at the Monument of the Queen Tamar.
Then women started walking in different directions: some of them to the University and some to Administrative centre. Participants hanged out posters, distributed agitation materials.
Representatives of the local television also attended the Action and promised to cover it today. It should be noted, that two days before the Action there was showed a TV plot reflecting the process of preparation for the Action.
A volunteer from Sweden also participated in the Action and was actively involved in the process. She stopped cars and offered leaflets to people.
Actions were also carried out in administrative centres – Adigeni, Minadze and Skhvlisi.
Today tens of women reminded voters that everyone should vote for women in the local self-government elections to have a strong country.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
In Tbilisi the Action was held in two places: in front of the Parliament and on Rustaveli Str.
Special support was expressed by the young people who expressed great wish for cooperation. Representatives of the central TV channels came to cover the Action.
Actions were also held in:
Gori – in front of the City Administration
Mtskheta – in front of the City Administration and in front of the building of the local self-government of Mtskheta-Mtianeti
Gurjaani – in front of the building of the Local self-government.
Attitude of society towards the silent Action of women was the same everywhere – it’s time to support women’s participation in politics.
The main slogan of the Action – "Equality is the power of the country” – is not just a slogan, but a truth dictated by life.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
There were no women in the local self-government of Batumi. Today there are several candidates, among them members of the Club of Women-Voters.
Therefore the Action in Batumi had a great impact.
It was held in a crowded place of the city, on the boulevard.
Passers-by expressed great interest. "Equality is the power of the country” – everyone agreed with these words.
There were distributed agitation materials, newspapers and informational leaflets.
In the Action participated representatives of different political parties, students. There were also representatives of Mass Media – newspaper "Adjara”, radio of Adjara, "25thchannel”.
The words told with silence by 40 women were properly understood by voters - support women’s participation in politics.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
In Poti, at the entrance of the village Nabada, more than forty women attracted the public attention with silence and the eye-catching slogan "Equality is the power of the country”.
The mini-buses, cars stopped :
- Who are you? What’s happening? – the questions from the interested passers-by.
The organizers of the action answered: - We are women and, with the silent action, we would like to remind everybody to vote for the women in local self-government elections.
The representatives of the TV-company "Ninth wave” joined the action at the beginning. The action will be illuminated in the programme "Kursori”.
The participants of the action stated that they support the women candidates. This is a signal for the society to understand: more women in local self-government means solution of the social issues, stable future and power of the country.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA.
In the centre of Khobi, the women came earlier than the planned time. The young IDP women from Senaki joined the action. More than fifty women participated in the action.
At the beginning, they gathered at the cinema and later moved to the memorial "Mzechabuki” and made a live chain – a symbol of unity and solidarity.
The children also took participation in the action. They expressed interest to the event and showed peculiar solidarity by taking the slogans in hand. Among the participants, amazing unity was felt.
The men expressed interest and solidarity to the aim of the action. In general the society expressed the positive attitude to the action.
Two students from Sweden participated at the action. They are from the country, were equality is already achieved and this is very well reflected in social politics.
The action was very interesting for the representatives of Press-department of Khobi municipality, and the TV-company of Poti - "Ninth wave”. They took the interviews as well.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
The members of clubs of women voters, young women and the representatives of the local NGOs gathered at the action.
There were the journalists of the radion "Atinati”, the newsletter "Zugdidelebi”, TV-company "Odishi”. This sources of mass-media will illuminate the conducted action.
The action was actively supported by the women’s network where fifteen women’s organizations are joined. These organizations initiated the similar action in Chkhorotsku and Tsalnejikha under the slogan "Equality is the power of the country!”
The society expressed big interest to the action. There was mentioned that the large-scaled action will bear the result – the voters will vote for the worthy women candidates.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
About fifty women gathered nearby Khoni Municipality building. Among them there were the members of the Club of Women voters of Fund "Sukhumi”, teachers, women entrepreneurs and girls - seniour pupils.
"Equality is the power of the country” – with this slogan, the women attaracted the attention of passers-by, who expressed interest to the action. Similar events take place not very often in Khoni.
In the interviews, the women gave detailed answers to the question of "Mega TV” journalist, who joined the action at the beginning.
The gathered were unanimous in the position that conductin of such action is important in pre-election period in almost all regions of Georgiato support worthy women candidates.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA.
For several years Fund "Sukhumi” has been arranging silent actions on different issues not far from Kutaisi Mayors’ office, at the Memorial of Labour.
Today there were gathered more than 50 women: youth, students, teachers, representatives of non-governmental organisations.
In the Action participated women-candidates running for the local self-government elections, Nato Katamadze (Alliance for Georgia) and Lia Gvenetadze (Chtistian-Democratic Union) which are active members of the Club of Women-Voters.
The Action was also joined by the women who arived from Tbilisi – representatives of Association "Leaders for Democracy”, head of the German women’s organisation, professor Marina Grasse and a student from Sweden, Anja Westberg.
There were many representatives of Mass Media – newspaper "P.S.”, "Imeretis Moambe”, TV companies "Rioni”, "Mega-TV”, "Imedi”, first channel of Georgia, "Rustavi 2”.
The objective of the Action – to attract attention of society and Mass Media - has been achieved.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA
Action started in the Central park of Ozurgeti at 11:00.
More than 40 women took part in the Action from the very beginning.
-The Action got a lot of attention, - say organizers.
-Passers-by joined us. Interested people, especially the youth, came up to us. Young men who think that equality is really the power of the country expressed wish for participating in the Action.
Correspondents of the local newspapers who are active members of the Club of Women-Voters, and representatives of the TV company "Ozurgeti” will cover the Action.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA.
Action is silent, but the objective of the Action is reflected in the slogan "Equality is the power of the country” Participants of the Action are distributing hundreds of leaflets and press-releases.
A member of the Parliament, Mamuka Saneblidze and the Head of Machinery Gocha Ugulava joined the Action. They mentioned that Fund "Sukhumi” periodically carries outs such actions, that is very important for achieving equality.
Participants of the Action believe that the objective of the Action has been achieved – all who joined to the Action will support worthy women-candidates running for the local self-government elections.
The project is implemented with the support of the Urgent Action Fund (UAF), USA.